Search large texts using the FM-index algorithm
License: GPLv2
Python C-API bindings for fmindexV2 which is originally available at
due to the need to modify the makefile (for fPIC for Linux) and ease of distribution, the source is included in the distro.
License is GPLv2 due to fmindexV2 and ds_ssort. see the folders fmindexV2 and subfolder ds_ssort for that copyright info. Also the README.txt in fmindexV2 has more info.
bindings are Copyright (C) 2014 Nick Conway
see tests for usage.
text input below SMALLFILESIZE of 51201 bytes (50 kB) and SMALLSMALLFILESIZE 1025 bytes 1 kB uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm for search and SMALLSMALLFILESIZE doesn't compress the text
from fmindex import FMindex
my_fmi = FMindex(from)