Bare bones chess game between two human players using the same computer. Created using Java Swing.
NOTE: A monitor large enough to support a 1000 x 1000 swing window must be used to prevent the window from being cut off. This may be an issue for smaller laptops.
- Drag and drop functionality
- Checkmate and Stalemate detection
- Prevention of illegal moves
- Support for all legal moves (castling, en passant, promotion, ect.)
Before attempting to intall and run, make sure the JDK is installed.
To run the game, open the command prompt and navitgate to the Chess-Game-Main directory. Enter the following commands:
C:\Chess-Game-main> cd src\main
C:\Chess-Game-main\src\main> javac *.java
C:\Chess-Game-main\src\main> cd ..
C:\Chess-Game-main\src> java main.ChessLoader
- Board flipping functionality
- Options for piece and board theme
- Player vs Computer games