This application was built as a requirement for an open internship position (Backend Developer) at . This application was submitted on May 18th, 2022 and will be simultaneously hosted on for convenience - Found Here. This README will provide further information on how to use this application, how this application was built and further information about the author
2οΈβ£ Install gems locally via bundle install from CL
3οΈβ£ Reset database via rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed} from CL
4οΈβ£ Start server via rails s from CL
5οΈβ£ Manuever the site as you wish
6οΈβ£ (Optional) Run bundle exec rspec from CL to run the entire test suite
7οΈβ£ (Optional) Run open/coverage index.html from CL to see coverage by line
This application accomplishes the basic CRUD functionality
Try entering blank information or other ways to break the application to see what happens ! π
This application uses a relational database. There are two tables in total - items and warehouse. Items belong to a warehouse while a warehouse has many items (one to many relationship). See below for a representation of the database schema :
This application was thoroughly testing using Rspec, SimpleCov, Capybara and Shoulda Matchers. Test coverage was held in high priority and can be seen in detail by following the following steps:
2οΈβ£ Run open/coverage index.html from CL to see coverage by line
All testing files can be found the Spec folder displayed by the following file tree:
Professional work flow using and were replicated as closely as possible. Specific tools and aspects were used while building this application that lended to organization, communication and developer empathy.
If any ideas for improvement, any errors are seen, or if you are interested in building something in the future, please feel free to contact me directly via any of the below avenues:
Hosted on
Found Here
Capybara |
Shoulda Matchers |
SimpleCov |
Faker |