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:: Spring Boot :: (v1.5.1.RELEASE)
An example of an application using Spring Boot
In progress...
It's probably easiest to install springboot with sdkman, issuing the following command at the terminal:
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
then after it's installed:
sdk install springboot
and issuing the following command:
spring --version
should give you this output:
Spring CLI v1.5.1.RELEASE
Double check the version of java you have with:
java -version
which should ideally give you something along the lines of:
java version "1.8.0_121"
If you're using a mac then if you're still on 1.6 then I would suggest using brew to install the latest version of java.
To check that your springboot version works fine, run the following:
spring run ./app.groovy
and navigate to locahost:8080 where you should see a "Hello World" message.
You will then be able to run this Spring Boot application in its current form with the following:
mvn clean package spring-boot:run
provided that you have already run brew install maven
If you now navigate to the /api/hola endpoint that's been set up on localhost you will see
something similar to the following:
Hola Spring Boot de