- create Folder, cd to it,
- pip3 install pipenv
- pipenv shell - to activate it inside the Project folder
- exit or Ctrl D to deactivate
- pipenv install django - make sure you are in the project folder
- django-admin startproject DjangoProject .
- ls to see if the django files have been created, go to:
- python manage.py runserver - to start Django server
- control C to quit
- python manage.py startapp hello - start Django app within the project
- settings.py - add hello app to INSTALLED_APPS list
- view.py - create view for target URL - def view as a function
- urls.py - add path to urlpaterns list
- python manage.py startapp todo
- add app in the settings.py
- create a func in todo\views.py (import HttpResponse)
- add path in urlpatters for the view
- create templates folder and .html file in there
- add it to views
- add [os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'templates')], to TEMPLATES/DIRS in settings.py
- create TodoItem class in models.py
- migrate class to the database:
- python manage.py makemigrations - creates migration file
- python manage.py migrate - changing config of our db - adding todo model
- python manage.py shell - storing objects in the database: from todo.models import TodoItem a = TodoItem(content='todo item AA') a.save() b = TodoItem(content='todo item B') c = TodoItem(content='todo item C') b.save() c.save() all_todo_items = TodoItem.objects.all() all_todo_items[1].content
- edit views.py import TodoItem from .models , retriev all todo items from the db, add third argument to the render func - add all_todo_items to todo.html template - assign name all_items to it
- edit todo.html add for loop to loop through all_items
- add input form to the todo.html
- create a new todo item in views.py
- add a path in the urls.py
- Add delete button in the todo.html - inside the for loop (for each item)