Let's find the bugs
This is the first release for testing.
Please follow the steps for setup:
- If you already have a hog version running please:
mv "/Library/Application Support/berlin.green-coding.hog/db.db" "/Library/Application Support/berlin.green-coding.hog/db.back"
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/berlin.green-coding.hog.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/berlin.green-coding.hog.plist
- Remove any previous hog apps
- Download the hog.app.zip
- unzip and move the hog.app to your application directory. Don't start the app!
- If you want to upload the data and see detailed analytics you will need to install the https://github.com/green-coding-berlin/green-metrics-tool/tree/power_hog
power_hog branch
from the GMT. Please note that you will need a fresh DB as migrations are not ready. - create a setting file
https://github.com/green-coding-berlin/hog#settings with
api_url = http://api.green-coding.internal:9142/v1/hog/add
web_url = http://metrics.green-coding.internal:9142/hog-details.html?machine_id=
upload_delta = 5
powermetrics = 1000
upload_data = true
assuming you are using the standard configurations. Modify accordingly if not
- Start the hog app. You might have to do a right click and select open and click on some OK messages. Signing is in process to get rid of this.
- Follow the instructions on how to install the hog
- Profit
If you encounter any errors feel free to publish the issue under the discussions or as an issue here in the repo