Tracks the fork rate on your server by polling /proc/stat
. On a busy production box you can expect a rate of somewhere between 1-10/sec, if there is a rate approaching 100/sec then your server is experiencing issues.
OS | Linux | Windows | SmartOS | OS X |
Supported | v |
(to get the new meter - curl -fsS -d '{"token":"api."}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' > && chmod +x && ./
Runtime | node.js | Python | Java |
Required |
Runtime | node.js | Python | Java |
Required | v |
- OS: Tested to work on Debian-based Linux distributions (although any Linux OS should work)
- How to install node.js?
- Requires access to /proc/stat
- Verify that you are able to get output by running the following:
$ cat /proc/stat
- If there is no output, then this plugin will not work.
Field Name | Description |
Poll Seconds | How often should the plugin poll /proc/stat |
Metric Name | Description |
Fork Rate / sec | the rate at which processes are growing |