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/ api-deployment Public template

Example of deployment of a NLP inference server on Gcore. Using FastAPI, Huggingface's optimum-graphcore and Github workflows.


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Simple deployment with FastAPI

FastAPI ASGI based model serving with GitHub workflow for deployment in a remote AI cluster.

  • As an example, this server is running a text summarization inference API under the path /summarization, and a short question-answering API under the path /qa
  • The summarization model facebook/bart-large-cnn requires 2 available IPUs.
  • The question-answering model distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad requires 2 IPUs.
  • API documentation generated by Swagger under the path operation /docs.



  • This repository shows an example of how you might deploy a server with GitHub. We encourage you to build on this example to create a service that meets the security and resiliancy requirements of your application.
  • Using GitHub actions with secrets can bring security risks. It is important to review GitHub actions parameters and who can trigger them. Be careful of any modification brought to .github/ssh/action.yml, or any new action you introduce that uses GitHub secrets. For instance, secrets should never be logged or saved in an artifact file. Recommended read for good practises:
  • The Graphcore PyTorch base Docker image used in this example is subject to Graphcore Container License Agreement.

Deploy automatically from Github:

  1. You need to set up a VM with IPUs in GCore and to open the port you wish to deploy the server on.
  2. From GitHub, use the button "Use this template" to create a new repo from it.
  3. Follow the Configuration steps to set up the deployment environment.
  4. Use the workflows to deploy:

In this repository, there are 2 simple GitHub workflows for deployment:

  • .github/workflows/deploy.yml: (manually triggered) Build and deploy the artifact on the remote server - Sensitive information are configured via GitHub Secrets.
  • .github/workflows/stop.yml: (manually triggered) Stop the container on the remote server. Diagram

To trigger these workflows, go under the repository Action tab to see workflows list on the left.

  • Click on Deploy, then use the button Run workflow. The server should take ~5 minutes before being ready. You should now be able to access the server and check the API documentation at http://HOST_IP:SERVER_PORT/docs
  • To stop the server, click on Stop, then use the button Run workflow.


The deployment workflow is using an example GitHub environment named GCore-deployment-demo.

  1. Configure a new GitHub environment named GCore-deployment-demo under the repository Settings (or modify the workflow files according to your environment name).
  2. The deployment scripts require SSH access to the VM, it is recommended to generate a new set of keys just for this purpose and to authorise it on your VM. (To authorize a new SSH key on GCore VM, add the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)
  3. Add 3 GitHub encrypted secrets: SSH_KEY, USER and HOST_IP at the environment level or at the repository level.
  • The encrypted secrets must contain the following:
    • SSH_KEY: content of the private key
    • USER: Gcore VM username
    • HOST_IP: Gcore VM IP address
  1. The server should be configured via the .env file at the root of this repository. It contains:

    • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: Name of the container
    • SERVER_PORT: Port where your server will be accessible
    • SERVER_NUM_WORKERS: Number of Uvicorn workers
    • SERVER_MODELS: List and configuration of models to run (see Model Configuration section)
    • SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT: Timeout for server start (in seconds)
    • POPTORCH_LOG_LEVEL: Log level for the underlying Graphcore's Poptorch framework (ERR, INFO, DEBUG)

Model configuration

Syntax of SERVER_MODELS environmental variable:

        "model":"name of the directory where model is stored",
        "replicas":"number of replicas to run"
        "model":"name of the directory where model is stored"

Note that:

  • variable value has to be single quoted
  • replicas setting defaults to 1 replica if not set
  • although the example has new lines for clarity it is advised to keep value of SERVER_MODELS without whitespaces, most means of passing environmental variable with spaces will not work

Run the server from a VM (optional):

When debugging, you may want to skip the deployment workflow and just run the server manually from your VM. You can use the following steps:

  1. After logging to your VM, clone the repo:
  • $ git clone
  • $ cd api-deployment
  1. Run the deployment script, this will handle the container setup and run it:
  • $ .github/scripts/
  1. To stop you can use:
  • $ .github/scripts/

Adding a new model:

To serve a new model, the main steps are the following:

1 - Add a Python file in src/models/ containing your model

  • The server will look for a class named Pipeline
  • All the inference operations must go in the __call__() method
  • inputs and return values should be Dict
  • You should also define a method compile(self) with no extra arguments, the execution of this function should trigger the IPU compilation.


class Pipeline:
    def __init__(self, args):
        # Various parameters initialisation

    def __call__(self, inputs: Dict) -> Dict:
        # pre-processing,
        # model call,
        # etc ..
        prediction_dict = ...
        return prediction_dict

    def compile(self):
        # compilation logic goes here, for instance
        # if your model is compiled on the first call:

        # dummy_inputs_dict = {"text":"Just a test"}
        # self(dummy_inputs_dict)
        # ...

By implementing this interface, your new model will now be available as new_model (the name of the file that contains this Pipeline class) as a new IPUWorker.

2 - Create the API for this new model. In src/"/new_model", response_model=NMResponse, include_in_schema = "new_model" in model_names)
def run_nm(model_input: NM):
    data_dict = model_input.dict()
    result = w.workers["new_model"].get_result()
    return {
        "results": result["prediction"]

In this simple example, our path operation is /new_model. We create the function run_nm() and use FastAPI decorator to make it receive POST requests. Using include_in_schema boolean parameter will enable or disable this path given the list of model we configure.

Now, we can see we have 2 types describing our input and outputs: NM and NMResponse. These should be defined in src/ These use Pydandic BaseModel. It will be used to automatically to match the json fields from the HTTP request and response. For instance:

class NM(BaseModel):
    input_1: str
    input_2: str

class NMResponse(BaseModel):
    results: str

In this example, NM contains two fields, it can automatically be converted to Dict when calling model_input.dict().

These are the 2 most important lines:

result = w.workers["new_model"].get_result()

The first one will select our "new_model" IPUWorker from the IPUWorkerGroup and feed the data dict to its input queue. The second one will retrieve the results from the IPUWorker output queue.

Finally , return the results as a Dict to match NMResponse format. Here we supposed our model prediction is available under the dict key result["prediction"].

3 - Edit your config.

By default the server is not configured yet to run your model. To add it you can either: modify the default config in src/ and add it to models list. Or temporary, modify the .env file variable SERVER_MODELS (or just set the environment variable SERVER_MODELS) to add your model name "new_model" to the list. (You should make sure you have enough IPUs available to run all the models in the list).

4 - Now if you run the server and go to the http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT/docs url, you should be able to see and test your new API !


Example of deployment of a NLP inference server on Gcore. Using FastAPI, Huggingface's optimum-graphcore and Github workflows.







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