Grains of Sand demo code in CircuitPython for the Adafruit NeoTrellisM4
This is a simple demo for the Adafruit NeoTrellis M4 written in CircuitPython
The included sound file is released under the Creative Commons 0 license and has been resampled to work on the NeoTrellis M4 Link to the original sound file is here
- Install CircuitPython on the Trellis M4
- Once running CircuitPython add the and .wav file to the CIRCUITPY drive
- Add the following libraries:
- adafruit_bus_device
- adafruit_fancyled
- adafruit_adxl34x
- adafruit_matrixkeypad
- adafruit_trellism4
- neopixel
- Tilting the Trellis M4 causes the pixels to move as if they are 'sand grains'
- Tap to change the color mode
- Plug into powered speakers or headphones for the audio effect!