For easy connecting to Gradido Blockchain.
- It generate and stores ed25519 public and private key pair for user, but the private key will be stored only encrypted with user password.
- It sign and send Gradido Transactions via Iota into to blockchain
- store sended transactions in memory and has interface for Gradido Node to tell that pending transaction was confirmed or rejected Read more
- use JWT Token for authenticated json requests
- Compile GradidoBlockchainConnector, for more details look here:
- copy default config from ./config/ to ~/.gradido/
- make changes as needed, look for details into the default file config/
- on linux create folder /var/log/gradido/ and give write permission to user which will be start GradidoBlockchainConnector
- run GradidoBlockchainConnector
- to start Gradido Blockchain Connector as daemon in linux use
- for starting it on windows as service look here: Poco::ServerApplication
- to record process id if started as deamon use
for example--pidfile=/var/run/
- to use another file or folder for config use
Example Datas
- Crypto Box Key Pair (x25519)
- Public Key:5d8d7e0ab0070a9d2303e36d51e1c6774ce582e941e8134e5559f78aaf26d346
- Private Key:2acd42ec14e12eecded40e300d420eabbf58f01d3cb3cf1eaf522af49ec92193
- name: testUser1
- password: testUser1 > b379938c857eaa6d480e46666813150cd70d25b289edfcbcdef570d0920a1e19f11fb682999efb5cce4bee78a17021b360c72cb02fd1bb6e67
- groupAlias: testgroup1
To use it simply make JSON Requests to the IP and Port on which GradidoBlockchainConnector is running (default Port: 1271)
Login with username testUser1
, password testUser1
encrypted with crypto_box_seal and 5d8d7e0ab0070a9d2303e36d51e1c6774ce582e941e8134e5559f78aaf26d346
as pubkey and from group testgroup1
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"name":"testUser1", "password":"b379938c857eaa6d480e46666813150cd70d25b289edfcbcdef570d0920a1e19f11fb682999efb5cce4bee78a17021b360c72cb02fd1bb6e67", "groupAlias":"testgroup1"}' \
Result should be something like that:
"state": "success",
On success the request return a jwt token which must be used on the other requests.
Now you can register your public key (generated from GradidoBlockchainConnector) on the blockchain
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NTA1NjY5MzIuMTU1MTg0LCJpYXQiOjE2NTA1NjYzMzIuMTU1MTg0LCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdFVzZXIxIiwicHVia2V5IjoiMjVhZGMzZWEwYmZmZmE3ZDAwYmEyMjY4OTJlMDA1MWU5ODJlNGMxOGZiZDM4ZDRjNTE2NzIyMjRkNzM1NGY1YiIsInN1YiI6ImxvZ2luIn0.YsL4F7BUeBa-_yV1mF3aK9DSybwpj_eJH6fOaY_Tn9c' \
-d '{"created":"2022-04-21T19:13:01.506Z","addressType":"HUMAN"}' \
If transaction was successfully send via Iota the result should be something like that:
With another user you can now create gradidos for this user:
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NTA1NzIyNjkuMjkwMzE4LCJpYXQiOjE2NTA1NzE2NjkuMjkwMzE4LCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdFVzZXIyIiwicHVia2V5IjoiOGIyMzkxM2VhMjMwMGYyNWVlYjY4NzNmMTE3ZTcwM2Q2ZGE5YjM5ZmNmMjgwMjE3Mzk2MzQ3YWU0NzNiMzdmNiIsInN1YiI6ImxvZ2luIn0.cg9lWwZsSgb-2QiDhz1vuYzHdM9ddkhvFzvKhnqjo4Q' \
-d '{"memo":"test creation","recipientName":"testUser1","amount":"1000","targetDate":"2022-02-01","created":"2022-04-21T20:08:53.406Z","apolloTransactionId":"1"}' \
Logged in back with this user, you can now send gradidos:
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NTA1NzI0MzUuNTM0NTgyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTA1NzE4MzUuNTM0NTgyLCJuYW1lIjoidGVzdFVzZXIxIiwicHVia2V5IjoiZmIyNjY4Y2JlNWJmZWViYTNjNzkxOTJkZDI1MGJlNzI3ZjZmYTJiM2RlMjA2OGE4NWQyOTQ3NTFjMmE1Y2MyMCIsInN1YiI6ImxvZ2luIn0.Ymr7-QnSfsWNFOG-IevV3THYukJsiFdG934HgplKrsc' \
-d '{"memo":"test Transfer","senderName":"testUser1","recipientName":"testUser2","amount":"100","created":"2022-04-21T20:10:59.429Z","apolloTransactionId":"2"}' \
The result on both requests are the same like for registerAddress and globalGroupAdd
For more Details look here API