Simple chat server, a similar experimento to Bar Sport is dbeck.An interesting point could be riak core. An explanation about it can be foudn here.
Execute npm install -g webpack
to install webpack. We suggest at least node v4.xx. We use postgreSQL as DB and we need the username and password to connect to DB as environment variable PGUSER
. Launch mix create_db
to create sample database (We DROP it if it's exist). And also MIX_ENV=test mix create_db
to create DB for tests.
Execute npm install
to install all the packages required by webpack and react. Execute mix deps.get
to get all required packages. To lanch the server execute mix --no-halt
. If ou modify the elxir sources it will be automaticcaly recompiled and loaded in your server and also in your console, if it is executed as iex -S mix
Execute npm install
to install all the packages required by webpack and react.
Execute mix deps.get
to install all the packages required by exlixir.
To watch the modify of js for recompile with webpack run webpack --progress --colors --watch
To lanch the server execute mix run --no-halt
- Is possible execute custom tasks after some standard tasks for ex:
mix deps.get
? If it's possible we can attachnpm install
ot it.