What Am I?!
I'm an awesome Angular module for the even more awesome Croppie.js. Pure Javascript implementation; no dependencies needed! Also responsive!
NPM: npm install ng-croppie
Bower: bower install ngCroppie
Ensure you link it correctly in your HTML
<script src="path/to/ng-croppie.min.js"></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' type="text/css" href="path/to/ng-croppie.min.css"></link>
And add it as a module for your app:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngCroppie']);
Nothing is required in the controller. For sake of clarity, these are the variables you'll see in the demo.
app.controller('basicController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.inputImage = null;
$scope.outputImage = null;
$scope.onUpdate = function(data){
Now, just add it to your HTML.
<ng-croppie src="inputImage"
<ng-croppie src="inputImage"
boundry="{w: 400, h: 400}"
viewport="{w: 300, h:300}"
<!-- PREVIEW -->
<img ng-src="{{outputImage}}" />
src: [path/to/image.js] OR base64.
ng-model: The image output. Returns are a base64.
update: [function] place a functon in the controller to run whenever changes are made to the image.
boundry: [object] {w: __, h: __}. This will create the size of the container that will host the Croppie tool. Not required, but will default to 300x300.
viewport: [object] {w: __, h: __}. This will create your output size. Must be smaller than the boundry or it will equal it. Defaults to 200x200.
mousezoom: [Boolean] Setting it to true enables you to use the mouse scroll bar to zoom in/out. Not required; defaults to true. Note that zoom must also be true.
zoom: [Boolean] Setting it to true shows the zoom slider. Not required; defaults to true.
type: [String] Can either be "circle" or "square". Not required; defaults to "square".
- added destroy event
None, just Angular 1.4+
MIT - go nuts y'all.