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Add Associative Collections example
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oxinabox committed Dec 12, 2020
1 parent 20940b8 commit 9738530
Showing 1 changed file with 223 additions and 0 deletions.
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions examples/hashmap.dx
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
' # Associative Collections
Secretly this is actually an example on type-classes

data Hashable a:Type = MkHashable (a->a->Bool) (Int->a->Int) -- isequal, hash

' Like == but handles isequal(nan,nan) etc

def isequal (d:Hashable a) ?=> (x:a) (y:a) : Bool = case d of MkHashable ieq _ -> ieq x y

def ahash (d:Hashable a) ?=> (seed:Int) (x:a) : Int = case d of MkHashable _ hsh -> hsh seed x

thehash: Hashable a ?=> a->Int = ahash 0

@instance Int32Hashable : Hashable Int32 = (MkHashable
(\a b. a==b)
(\seed x. I64ToI $ hash (IToI64 seed) x)

:p thehash 1

:p isequal 1 1

:p isequal 1 2

@instance float32Hashable : Hashable Float32 = (MkHashable
(\a b. a==b || isnan a && isnan b)
(\seed x.
-- because FToI actually just truncates to Integer it is bad for small floats
-- To combat that we compute a hash based on multiple scalings of x
-- This could be removed if we had a way to get at the raw bits directly
hash_step:Float->Int->Int = \scale seed. ahash seed $ (FToI (scale * x))
hash_step 1000000.0 $ hash_step 100.0 $ hash_step 10.0 $ hash_step 1.0 seed))

:p thehash 1.2

:p thehash 1.0

:p thehash 10.1

:p thehash nan

@instance CharHashable : Hashable Char = (MkHashable
(\a b. a==b)
(\seed x. ahash seed (codepoint x))

:p thehash 'a'

--TODO: should not hash all elements just a few at start end and middle
@instance TblHashable : Hashable t ?=> Hashable (n=>t) = (MkHashable
(\a b. all $ for i. isequal a.i b.i)
(\seed x. fold seed \i state. ahash state x.i)

:p thehash "abcdef"

' # broken because
-- should be a fallback for anything that doesn't have a better definition of its own
@instance FallbackHashable : Eq t ?=> Hashable t = (MkHashable
(\a b. a==b)
(\seed x. 1) -- performance degrades to O(n) search 🤷
:p thehash (1, 2)
:p thehash (10, 20)

' ## ListDict
A fallback Associative Map, that performs end to end search.
This is faster then a HashDict for sufficiently small collections, where the hash time dominates over the equality check time.
Really we only need `isequal`, so perhaps that should be seperated out of `Hashable`.
(The LittleDict design of pair of lists rather than list of pairs is probably faster as more SIMD friendly but causes weird errors)

-- Can't require type-classes in type definitions?
-- data ListDict : Hashable k ?=> k:Type v:Type =
data ListDict k:Type v:Type =
AsListDict vals:(List (k&v))

eg_listdict = AsListDict $ AsList _ [(10,'a'), (20, 'b'), (30, 'c')]

:p eg_listdict

def push (collectionL:List a) (datum:a) : List a =
(AsList n collection) = collectionL
neo_n = Fin (n+1)
AsList _ $ for i:neo_n. case (ordinal i < n) of
True -> collection.(ordinal i@(Fin n))
False -> datum

:p push (AsList _ "abc") 'x'

def tryGetListDict (_:Hashable k) ?=> (dict:ListDict k v) (key:k) : Maybe v =
(AsListDict (AsList _ vals)) = dict
fold Nothing \i state.
case ((fst vals.i) `isequal` key) of
False -> state
True -> Just $ snd vals.i

:p tryGetListDict eg_listdict 20

:p tryGetListDict eg_listdict 21

'store dict key val
Stores the value in the dict at the key.
Note that we never actually delete anything, and it grows without bounds
This could be improved.

def storeListDict (dict:ListDict k v) (key:k) (val:v) : ListDict k v =
(AsListDict list) = dict
pair = (key, val)
AsListDict (push list pair)

eg_listdict2 = storeListDict eg_listdict 40 'x'

:p eg_listdict2

:p tryGetListDict eg_listdict2 40

def emptyListDict (k:Type) (v:Type) : ListDict k v =
empty_table : Fin 0 => (k&v) = []
AsListDict $ AsList _ empty_table

:p emptyListDict Int Char

:p storeListDict (emptyListDict Int Char) 100 'a'

' ## HashDict
Now we can build a HashMap on top of that ListDict.
We are going to hard-code a bunch of buffer sizes for simplicity

data HashDict k:Type v:Type =
HashDictBuckets n:Int buckets:(Fin n=>(ListDict k v))

def emptyHashDict (n:Int) (k:Type) (v:Type) : HashDict k v =
HashDictBuckets n for i:(Fin n). emptyListDict k v

:p emptyHashDict 8 Int Char

def storeHashDict (_:Hashable k) ?=> (dict:HashDict k v) (key:k) (val:v) : HashDict k v =
(HashDictBuckets nbuckets buckets) = dict
keyhash = thehash key
bucket_index = (keyhash `mod` nbuckets)@(Fin nbuckets)
bucket = buckets.bucket_index
neo_buckets = snd $ withState buckets \bucketsRef.
bucketsRef!bucket_index := storeListDict bucket key val
HashDictBuckets _ neo_buckets

hd = emptyHashDict 4 Char Int

hd1 = storeHashDict hd 'a' 200
hd2 = storeHashDict hd1 'b' 201
hd3 = storeHashDict hd2 'c' 202
hd4 = storeHashDict hd3 'd' 203
hd5 = storeHashDict hd4 'e' 204

:p hd5

def tryGetHashDict (_:Hashable k) ?=> (dict:HashDict k v) (key:k) : Maybe v =
(HashDictBuckets nbuckets buckets) = dict
keyhash = thehash key
bucket_index = (keyhash `mod` nbuckets)@(Fin nbuckets)
bucket = buckets.bucket_index
tryGetListDict bucket key

:p tryGetHashDict hd5 'b'
:p tryGetHashDict hd5 'd'

' Benchmarking

full_data = for i:(Fin 128). ([10 * ordinal i, ordinal i], i)

big_listdict = fold (emptyListDict _ _) \i state. storeListDict state (fst full_data.i) (snd full_data.i)

big_hashdict = fold (emptyHashDict 64 _ _) \i state. storeHashDict state (fst full_data.i) (snd full_data.i)

:p tryGetHashDict big_hashdict [210, 21]
:p tryGetListDict big_listdict [210, 21]
:p tryGetHashDict big_hashdict [210, 20]
:p tryGetListDict big_listdict [210, 20]

' ## Wrap under a common interface
See how annoying above was without a common interface that i could just pass in the initial value (with its type) and have it work out which store to read etc
TODO: once this is working remove stand-alone manually type-specied functions from the ListDict and the HashDict

interface Associative dict:Type k:Type v:Type where
tryGet : dict -> k -> Maybe v
store : dict -> k -> v -> dict

instance listDictAssociative : Hashable k ?=> Associative (ListDict k v) k v where
store = storeListDict
tryGet = tryGetListDict

instance HashDictAssociative : Hashable k ?=> Associative (HashDict k v) k v where
store = storeHashDict
tryGet = tryGetHashDict

' all of the following error except the first

:p store hd5 'q' 200

:p store eg_listdict 'q' 200

:p tryGet hd5 'a'

:p tryGet eg_listdict 'a'

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