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The Tap Typing with Touch Sensing Images (TSI) dataset contains data of user taps on a mobile touchscreen keyboard, including elliptical features and capacitive sensing images of the taps. The dataset aligns each tap with a key the user intended to type during data collection so it can be used for keyboard decoder training and/or evaluation.


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Tap Typing with Touch Sensing Images (TSI) Dataset

This dataset is associated with the UIST 2024 paper titled "Can Capacitive Touch Images Enhance Mobile Keyboard Decoding?" by Piyawat Lertvittayakumjorn, Shanqing Cai, Billy Dou, Cedric Ho, and Shumin Zhai from Google.


This Tap Typing with Touch Sensing Images (TSI) dataset contains a collection of touch points on a mobile touchscreen keyboard. Each touch point corresponds to a user tap that was intended to enter a specific character via the keyboard. This dataset was collected by asking 16 participants to copy-type given prompts, so we can align each touch point with a character in the prompt and construct pairs of (touch data, intended key) for training a keyboard decoder. Uniquely, the TSI dataset includes not only the centroids of the user taps, but also their elliptical features and capacitive sensing images (referred to as "touch heatmaps" or simply "heatmaps" in our UIST paper), providing richer information for keyboard decoding. In total, this TSI dataset consists of 43735 examples together with a keyboard layout file and a prompt file.


Visualization of a sample touch point. The heatmap depicts the capacitive touch sensing image for this touch point. The red dot indicates the touch centroid derived from the touch sensing image. The red ellipse represents the touch ellipse fitted to this touch area. The solid and dashed lines illustrate the major and minor axes of the ellipse, respectively.

  • Touch point: A single user tap on the touchscreen.
  • Touch heatmap: The capacitive touch sensing image of the user tap, i.e., a two-dimensional spatial data captured by the capacitive touchscreen’s contact sensors.
  • Touch centroid: The centroid of the touch area. This is derived from the touch sensing image using a certain algorithm in a touch controller, and it can be represented as a coordinate pair (x, y) with respect to the keyboard area (unit: pixels).
  • Touch ellipse: An ellipse fitted on the touch contact area, used as an estimate of the size and shape of the contact on the screen. It is also derived from the touch sensing image and can be represented using three features -- the length of the major axis of the ellipse, the length of the minor axis of the ellipse, and the orientation of the ellipse.
  • Heatmap overlap vector: A novel representation of touch sensing image (i.e., touch heatmap) presented in our our UIST paper. It was devised specifically for keyboard decoding. In particular, it is a vector of N numbers corresponding to the overlapping areas between the heatmap cells and the N candidate keys.
  • Prompt: A phrase or a sentence that we asked the participants to copy-type when collecting touch data in this dataset.
  • Reference character: A character in the prompt that the user aimed to type.
  • Language model scores: The probabilities of the candidate keys given the previously committed text only (not related to the touch signal of the current tap to decode). In this dataset, we used a finite-state transducer (FST) language model which can predict the probability of the next character given a previous context of at most five words.

Data collection and processing

The touch points in this dataset were collected during Study 3 in our UIST paper by asking 16 participants to copy-type given prompts.

Participant-inclusion criteria

A total of 16 participants (8 male, 7 female, 1 non-binary) were recruited for this user study. The inclusion criteria included: 1) regularly uses typing on a smartphone, 2) uses English as the primary language for mobile typing, and 3) no vision or motor impairment that may affect the copy typing task in the user study.

Task details

Each user-study participant was asked to perform four separate typing task blocks, each consisting of 30 text prompts to be copy-typed. The users were instructed to type as quickly and as accurately as possible (with their usual fast speed). Also, they were allowed to correct typing errors before each submission, but this was not mandatory unless the difference between their submitted text and the original prompt exceeded 60% of the prompt's length. They were also given a 1-2 minute break before proceeding to the next block. The total duration of the entire user-study session varied between 30 and 50 minutes among the 16 participants (including the time they used to answer questionnaires related to the study).

Device and setup

We used two Pixel 6 Pro devices for data collection. Each participant used one of the phones provided by the experimenter. These phones were held in the default portrait orientation and configured to log touch sensing images during the study. We used an Android application for showing prompts and collecting submitted texts and touch data. A custom build of Gboard was used in this app. To collect as many touch points as possible, we disabled intelligent keyboard features such as auto-correction, next-word prediction, double-space period, and grammar check. We also disabled the per-key visual and haptic feedback in the keyboard in order not to distract the participants.

An android application used for data collection. Though the suggestion bar was shown, we strongly discouraged the participants from tapping it so we could collect as many touch points as possible. Note that the screen was partially cropped to hide private or irrelevant information.

Prompt set construction

The 30 prompts presented as the text for copy-typing in each task block were divided into two subsets:

  1. English phrases: 20 phrases or sentences from the MacKenzie and Soukoreff (2003) sentences.
  2. Random strings: 10 strings of random characters chosen from the 26 English letters, SPACE, and PERIOD. Each random string was exactly 8-character long and does not have SPACE at the beginning or at the end to avoid visual ambiguity. These strings are considered out-of-vocabulary (OOV) unlike the English phrases.

The English phrases and random strings were mixed and shuffled randomly in order in each block. The four blocks consisted of non-overlapping prompts. In addition, the prompts were randomized in order among the participants.

By construction, all the possible intended keys of this dataset are A-Z, SPACE, and PERIOD (28 keys in total). The distributions of them are shown below.

Distributions of reference characters in the dataset (Left) from English phrases prompts only, (Middle) from random strings prompts only, (Right) from both types of prompts.

Touch point & Key alignment

We aligned touch points in the submitted string to the reference prompt. Since the submitted string may contain errors, we used the Needleman–Wunsch algorithm that supports insertion, omission, substitution, and transposition errors for alignment (Needleman and Wunsch, 1970). After that, we aligned deleted touch points by replaying the typing sequence (including backspaces) step by step and performing the alignment, using the Needleman–Wunsch algorithm, every time before a touch point was deleted. The reference text for alignment was a prefix of the prompt (with 1 character longer than the current text so far to allow an omission error). We only kept alignments of those not being aligned during submitted touch point alignment. We refer to Section 4.2 of our UIST paper for more details.

Data structure

There are three files in the data directory -- touch_data.csv, keyboard_data.json, and prompt_data.csv.


A few example rows of touch_data.csv are shown below.

user01,task1,0,239529639,m,0,1108.0,519.0,152.0,117.0,0.0866699144244194,"[[8, 13, 20], [8, 14, 18], [9, 13, 203], [9, 14, 79], [10, 13, 98], [10, 14, 38]]","[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.990625, 23.1728125, 1.3865625, 352.27718749999997, 63.215624999999996, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]",False,nan
user01,task1,0,239530001,y,1,757.0,145.0,172.0,164.0,-0.2208932489156723,"[[3, 8, 10], [3, 9, 14], [3, 10, 10], [4, 8, 70], [4, 9, 186], [4, 10, 57], [5, 8, 79], [5, 9, 208], [5, 10, 69], [6, 8, 17], [6, 9, 33], [6, 10, 19]]","[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0771875, 35.689375, 20.8834375, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 154.82625000000002, 42.425625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 496.54812499999997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]",False,"[0.280352, 0.000941453, 0.0130359, 0.00083572, 0.140016, 0.0, 0.00124548, 0.00166307, 0.14564, 0.000782347, 0.00126418, 0.00368562, 0.00894826, 0.0, 0.14503, 0.000911226, 0.0, 0.00346484, 0.0061941, 0.00344941, 0.0256453, 0.0, 0.000969431, 0.0, 0.171604, 0.0, 0.0443219]"
user01,task1,0,239530213,SPACE,2,722.0,676.0,191.0,174.0,0.8444564342498779,"[[10, 7, 10], [10, 8, 44], [10, 9, 55], [10, 10, 15], [11, 7, 31], [11, 8, 196], [11, 9, 248], [11, 10, 35], [12, 7, 26], [12, 8, 123], [12, 9, 133], [12, 10, 23], [13, 7, 10], [13, 8, 18], [13, 9, 16], [13, 10, 10]]","[0.0, 47.33625, 34.07749999999999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 195.58625, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 710.5999999999999, 0.0]",False,"[0.00334769, 7.19902e-05, 0.00282896, 4.7261e-07, 0.00174823, 6.74272e-05, 0.000600986, 0.0, 2.36306e-07, 0.0, 3.53734e-08, 0.00171801, 0.0, 0.000129763, 1.2671e-05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00580491, 0.0110847, 0.00156668, 0.0, 0.000100176, 0.0, 7.08915e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.970917]"

This is a csv file containing 43735 lines (excluding the header line) corresponding to 43735 touch points. The lines are sorted by participant_id, then task_id, and then trial_id. While one user tap is usually long enough to generate a series of touch sensing images, this dataset focuses only on the first frame of the sequence. Therefore, we use the prefix first_frame_ for every touch signal field. Specifically, each touch point in touch_data.csv consists of

  • participant_id (str): The ID of the participant who contributed this touch point (e.g., user01, user02, …, user16).
  • task_id (str): The task block of this participant where the touch point was collected. There are four possible values, i.e., task1, task2, task3, and task4.
  • trial_id (int): The trial in the task block where the touch point was collected. Since each task block consists of 30 prompts (i.e., 30 trials), possible values for trial_id are 0, 1, 2, …, 29.
  • timestamp_ms (int): The relative timestamp (in milliseconds) of the touch point. To clarify, it is the time elapsed since last reboot of the device. This can be used to compute the duration between taps in the same trial for example.
  • ref_char (str): The reference character that the user aimed to type (according to the alignment algorithm). Possible values include a, b, c, …, z, SPACE, and .. This is the field that the keyboard decoding task needs to predict.
  • ref_char_index_in_prompt (int): The position of the reference character in the prompt.
  • first_frame_touch_x (float): The x coordinate of the touch centroid. 0.0 corresponds to the left-most side of the keyboard. 1440.0 corresponds to the right-most side of the keyboard.
  • first_frame_touch_y (float): The y coordinate of the touch centroid. 0.0 corresponds to the top of the keyboard layout (not the top of the whole screen). 854.0 corresponds to the bottom of the keyboard layout.
  • first_frame_touch_major (float): The major axis length (in pixels) of the touch ellipse.
  • first_frame_touch_minor (float): The minor axis length (in pixels) of the touch ellipse.
  • first_frame_touch_orientation (float): The orientation (in radians) of the touch ellipse. As noted in the Android developer reference, "An angle of 0 radians indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented upwards, is perfectly circular or is of unknown orientation. A positive angle indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented to the right. A negative angle indicates that the major axis of contact is oriented to the left. The full range is from -PI/2 radians (finger pointing fully left) to PI/2 radians (finger pointing fully right)."
  • first_frame_touch_heatmap (list[list[int]]): The sparse representation of the touch heatmap (touch sensing image). Although a full heatmap image of Pixel 6 Pro has 39 rows and 18 columns, this dataset keeps only the 16 bottom rows of the image, which are sufficient to cover the whole keyboard area for the key decoding task. The heatmap is represented as a list of list of integers. The members of the outer list corresponds to non-zero cells in the heatmap image. Each of them is represented as a list of three numbers [i, j, v] meaning that the value of the heatmap cell at row i column j is v. Note that i ranges from 0 to 15, while j ranges from 0 to 17 (0-indexed).
  • first_frame_heatmap_overlap_vector (list[float]): The heatmap overlap vector representation of the touch heatmap image. It is a vector of 28 numbers corresponding to the overlapping area between the heatmap cells and the 28 candidate keys (a, b, c, …, z, SPACE, and . in this order). We refer to Section 3.1 of our UIST paper for more details.
  • was_deleted (bool): Whether the touch point was deleted by the participant. Possible values are True and False.
  • lm_scores (list[float]): The language model scores for a, b, ..., z, and SPACE. Note that our language model does not have the score for PERIOD (.).

The visualization of the first example on the keyboard layout.


Some example lines of keyboard_data.json are shown below.

  "device_info": {
    "model": "Pixel 6 Pro",
    "whole_screen_width": 1440.0,
    "whole_screen_height": 3120.0,
    "num_all_heatmap_rows": 39,
    "num_all_heatmap_cols": 18,
    "num_valid_heatmap_rows": 16
  "keyboard_info": {
    "keyboard_width": 1440.0,
    "keyboard_height": 854.0,
    "top_left_x_position": 0.0,
    "top_left_y_position": 2098.0,
    "most_common_key_width": 135.0,
    "most_common_key_height": 206.0
  "keys_info": {
    "q": {
      "key_id": "q",
      "text_literal": "Q",
      "key_center_x": 112.0,
      "key_center_y": 131.0,
      "key_width": 135.0,
      "key_height": 206.0
    "w": {
      "key_id": "w",
      "text_literal": "W",
      "key_center_x": 247.0,
      "key_center_y": 131.0,
      "key_width": 135.0,
      "key_height": 206.0

This json file contains information about the device and the keyboard used for data collection. It consists of three major parts.

  • device_info: This indicates the device model, screen dimensions, and the dimensions of the heatmap image. Note that num_valid_heatmap_rows of 16 means that this dataset contains only the data from the 16 bottom-most heatmap rows, which are sufficient to cover the entire keyboard layout for key decoding.
  • keyboard_info: This indicates the size of the keyboard and the most common key sizes. It also specifies the top-left position of the keyboard relative to the entire device screen.
  • keys_info: This contains information of each of the 28 candidate keys. For each key, it shows the position of the key center with respect to the keyboard layout (not the entire screen) and the size of the key.

An illustration of the keyboard (the orange rectangle area) and its position on the entire screen (the grey rectangle). The device size and the keyboard size are annotated in the figure. The red dot represents the center of the key Q of which the position and the size are also annotated. The grid in the figure represents the array of capacitive touch sensors that generate the touch sensing images (touch heatmaps). The blue border highlights the region of the heatmaps recorded in this dataset (i.e., the 16 bottom rows). This figure can be drawn using the data in keyboard_data.json.


A few example rows of prompt_data.csv are shown below.

user01,task1,0,phrase,My preferred treat is chocolate.
user01,task1,2,phrase,You will loose your voice.

This file lists the prompts used during data collection. Each row has the participant_id, the task_id, and the trial_id as the composite key and the prompt_type (phrase or random) and the prompt text as values. The prompt_data.csv can be used together with the touch_data.csv to figure out where the reference character is in the prompt.

Dataset Metadata

The following table is necessary for this dataset to be indexed by search engines such as Google Dataset Search.

property value
name Tap Typing with Touch Sensing Images (TSI) Dataset
description The Tap Typing with Touch Sensing Images (TSI) dataset contains data of user taps on a mobile touchscreen keyboard. Each tap is characterized by its centroid and elliptical features as well as its capacitive touch sensing image (TSI). The dataset aligns each tap with a key the user intended to type during data collection so it can be used for keyboard decoder training and/or evaluation. In total, this TSI dataset consists of 43,735 taps (from 16 participants performing copy-typing tasks) together with a keyboard layout file and a prompt file.


If you use or refer to the TSI dataset, please cite the following paper.

  author = {Lertvittayakumjorn, Piyawat and Cai, Shanqing and Dou, Billy and Ho, Cedric and Zhai, Shumin},
  title = {Can Capacitive Touch Images Enhance Mobile Keyboard Decoding?},
  year = {2024},
  isbn = {9798400706288},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3654777.3676420},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology},
  articleno = {8},
  numpages = {17},
  keywords = {key decoding, machine learning, mobile text entry, touch interface},
  location = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA},
  series = {UIST '24}


Piyawat Lertvittayakumjorn (firstname [at] google [dot] com)


The Tap Typing with Touch Sensing Images (TSI) dataset contains data of user taps on a mobile touchscreen keyboard, including elliptical features and capacitive sensing images of the taps. The dataset aligns each tap with a key the user intended to type during data collection so it can be used for keyboard decoder training and/or evaluation.







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