We assume you already have Boxen working on your machine.
$ cd ~/src/boxen-web
$ script/bootstrap
$ script/tests
$ script/server
$ open http://localhost:9393
The tl;dr version is you can run something like this:
Make a new GitHub OAuth Application. Then, run:
heroku create my-new-boxen
heroku config:set \
REPOSITORY="our-org/our-boxen" \
GITHUB_TEAM_ID=99999999 \
SECONDARY_MESSAGE="Do a thing before running the command below." \
SECRET_TOKEN="your cookie signing token here"
git push heroku master
heroku run bundle exec rake db:migrate
For details as to how and why, see the sections below.
Boxen Web utilizes GitHub OAuth to authenticate users because most Boxen configurations for organizations will be private -- this requires an access token to fetch the repository in the install script.
If your deployment lives at https://my-new-boxen.herokuapp.com
you will need to create a GitHub OAuth application with the following config:
- Name - Boxen Web
- URL - https://my-new-boxen.herokuapp.com
- Callback URL - https://my-new-boxen.herokuapp.com/auth/github/callback
You must use the Heroku Cedar stack (now the default with heroku create
Additionally there are some required and optional environment variables that
should be set via heroku config:set
- required
to know which repo to download/setupGITHUB_CLIENT_ID
for OAuth.
- optional
to restrict access to members of a team.SECONDARY_MESSAGE
to display an optional message on the main page.