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Avoid any boilerplate in your project by using just one annotation to export your Golem worker from Scala to JS.


Add sbt-wasm-component as a dependency in project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("cloud.golem" % "sbt-wasm-component" % "x.y.z")


The WASM component plugin is automatically loaded, it just needs to be enabled with enablePlugins(WasmComponentPlugin) in your build.sbt:

ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.13"

lazy val root = (project in file("."))

Then you will be able to annotate your Golem worker object with the @cloud.golem.WitExport annotation:

package example

object ShoppingCart { self =>

  def initializeCart(userId: String): String = {
    println(s"Initializing cart for user $userId")
    if (math.random() > 0.1) userId
    else "Error while initializing cart"
  // ...


Once done that, it will be enough to run sbt wasmComponent and the plugin will take care of exporting your worker in WASM.