- A convenient all-in-one technology stack for deep learning prototyping - allows you to rapidly iterate over new models provided with timm, datasets and tasks on different hardware accelerators like CPUs, multi-GPUs or TPUs.
- A collection of best practices for efficient workflow and reproducibility.
- Thoroughly commented - you can use this repo as a reference and educational resource.
PyTorch Lightning - a lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Think of it as a framework for organizing your PyTorch code.
Hydra - a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications. The key feature is the ability to dynamically create a hierarchical configuration by composition and override it through config files and the command line.
Pytorch Image Models - PyTorch Image Models (timm
) is a collection of image models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders / augmentations, and reference training / validation scripts that aim to pull together a wide variety of SOTA models with ability to reproduce ImageNet training results.
Click on the links below for more
- Distributed Training
- Model explainability and robustness
- Model serving with TorchServe
- Training on Habana chips and deployment on AWS Accelerators
- Train CIFAR10 on Resnet
- Hyper-parameter sweep using optuna
- Demo webapp using Gradio, TorchScript and AWS
- Install dependencies
# clone project
git clone https://github.com/gokul-pv/lightning-hydra-timm
cd lightning-hydra-timm
# [OPTIONAL] create conda environment
conda create -n myenv python=3.9
conda activate myenv
# install pytorch according to instructions
# https://pytorch.org/get-started/
# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Train model with default configuration
# train on CPU
python src/train.py trainer=cpu
# train on GPU
python src/train.py trainer=gpu
- Train model with chosen experiment configuration from configs/experiment/
python src/train.py experiment=experiment_name.yaml
- You can override any parameter from the command line like this
python src/train.py trainer.max_epochs=20 datamodule.batch_size=64
- For training CIFAR10 dataset using Resnet18 from timm
# For training
python src/train.py experiment=cifar10_example
# To build docker image run
make build-train
# or
docker build -t gokulpv/lighteninghydratimm -f dockers/train/Dockerfile .
# or pull from Docker hub
docker pull gokulpv/lighteninghydratimm:latest
# To run the docker image. NOTE: To get the trained model checkpoint and all the logs on the host machine, you'll have to volume mount your directory inside docker.
docker run -it --volume /workspace/lightning-hydra-timm/dockerMount:/opt/src/logs gokulpv/lighteninghydratimm python src/train.py experiment=cifar10_example
- To do a Hyperparam sweep for CIFAR10 dataset with Resnet18 from timm,
# Hyperparam sweep using optuna
python src/train.py -m experiment=cifar10_example hparams_search=cifar10_optuna
# Sample data and logs can be pulled from google drive using dvc
dvc pull -r gdrive
# Logs are also available at
- To build a demo app for deployment using gradio,
# Train cifar10 using resnet18 from timm and save model using torch trace
python src/train.py experiment=cifar10_example trace=True
# Launch demo using checkpoint
python src/demo_cifar10_scripted.py ckpt_path=logs/<run folder>/model.traced.pt
# Build docker using
make build-demo-traced
# or
docker build -t gokulpv/demogradiotraced -f dockers/demo-gradio-traced/Dockerfile .
# Pull image from docker hub
docker pull gokulpv/demogradiotraced:latest
# Run the docker using
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it gokulpv/demogradiotraced:latest
# To save trained model using torch script, switch to commit 68a338b and run
python src/train.py experiment=cifar10_example script=True
# To build docker image for scripted model,
make build-demo
# or pull the image
docker pull gokulpv/demogradio:latest
- To download a scripted model from AWS S3 and run the demo application, do the following:
# Train cifar10 using resnet18 from timm and save scripted model to S3
# Refer s3://myemlobucket/models/model_s3.scripted.pt
# To build docker image, run
make build-demo-aws
# or pull the image from docker hub
docker pull gokulpv/demogradioaws:latest
# or from AWS ECR
docker pull public.ecr.aws/j7y6i3l0/demogradio:latest
# Run the docker using
docker run -p 80:80 -it gokulpv/demogradioaws:latest
# To download the model from custom S3 path and log the result to custom S3 path
make build-demo-aws-env
# or pull the image
docker pull gokulpv/demogradioawsenv:latest
# or
docker pull public.ecr.aws/j7y6i3l0/demogradio:envvar
# Run the docker using
docker run -p 80:80 -it -e "model=s3://myemlobucket/models/model_s3.traced.pt" -e "flagged_dir=s3://myemlobucket/logs/" gokulpv/demogradioawsenv:latest