Goby Beta1.8.202
In this update
• A total of 22 new vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-1948, CNVD-2020-46552, CVE-2019-1652, CVE-2017-17215, CVE-2016-10134, etc.
• New 100+ fingerprint rules.
• New protocols: added corbaloc、edp、gbase, etc.
• Added honeypot discovery: Currently, jSONP and keyword honeypots are supported, and low-interaction honeypots and high-interaction protocol honeypots will be added later.
• New extension types: users can filter functions, themes, controls and other extensions to facilitate on-demand downloading.
• The MSF extension supports browsing for file paths.
• Opened the plug-in entry point at the Webfinder.
• Custom PoC supports fuzzy matching query syntax, automatically matching to APP ="".
• Extensions that are unzipped to directories can be removed through the GUI.
• Optimized proxy server congestion and shutdown without error prompts.
• Fixed CPU and memory usage problems.
• Fixed false positives of Struts2 S2-046 vulnerability.
• Fixed some issues of the Sockset agent pattern.
• Fixed the problem of HTTPS vulnerability failure in some cases.
• Fixed some display problems.