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Emanuele Ziglioli edited this page Jun 24, 2015 · 2 revisions

DukeScript is a very promising technology for building crossplatform apps in Java and HTML/CSS/JavaScript. A DukeScript project can be deployed as a standalone Java app, running inside a JavaFX WebView, on mobiles or even on websites.

While development of a DukeScript based project works better on NetBeans, it's possible to use it in Eclipse with some limitations. The code generation part is handled by a maven plugin, and I've found it works via the "m2e-apt" plugin. Make sure to set Maven/Annotation Processing under the project settings to use the pom.xml, not Eclipse's own ADT processor.

Make sure Eclipse is launched using a JDK distribution not JRE, as the Maven annotation processor needs tools.jar. Add at the top of eclipse.ini, something like

-vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin

Checkout DukeScript related questions on StackOverflow. Also: DukeScript mailing list.

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