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gus edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Funky_Control8266-jqm wiki!

Branch currently under development : # Heroku+p5js+ESP

apa102 fastled esp8266 and jqm It is a LED matrix 20 x 24 , using APA102 leds , Effects : multiple effects can be selected from a Web App , hosted on the same ESP8266, form any web browser Also parameters and other status info is exchanged using Websockets Async

A new video effect was added : a web app hosted on a Heroku server running a Nodejs server capture a live video from the computer cam , and sends the low resolution frame using websockets . Heroku broadcast each frame to any connected client , The ESP responds to it by transfering the image to the LED matrix , and sending back an ack to Heroku , asking for other frame .


  • make corrections on video colors adjusting Gamma clean code
  • delete unused parts improve code comments .
  • Adjust each effect and its parameters send the parameters correct range by effect , to the WEB app, so min and max makes sense for each effect change parameters name according to the effect on the Web app ( dynamic HTML)
  • Replace color picker , correct HSV calculation , see this one .
  • The web socket server and client , are not reliable now , so improve connect and disconnect code .
  • include all the other effects. some effects , are developed on a 16 by 16 matrix and then translated to the custom matrix , change , in order to accept the custom matrix directly
  • verify sound parameters include microphone include parameters , for speed , and noise adjustment
  • text OPC protocol
  • include effect to connect Gladiator protocol
  • include ArtNET , TPM2NET protocol , for using jinx and P5JS *include text effect *include other community effects *include effects in families, to select first , family and then its effect

based on the work of many good people , will list them later for learning .

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