Transactional Outbox Pattern in Go. Accompanies the blog post at
docker-compose up -d redis postgres mailpit asynqmon
Run main api server
go run cmd/api/main.go
Run workers (as many as you want)
go run cmd/worker/main.go
asynq: pid=209309 2023/02/20 11:32:46.998734 INFO: Starting processing
asynq: pid=209309 2023/02/20 11:32:46.998761 INFO: Send signal TSTP to stop processing new tasks
asynq: pid=209309 2023/02/20 11:32:46.998768 INFO: Send signal TERM or INT to terminate the process
Send email
curl -v http://localhost:3080/api/mail/send -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"from":"[email protected]","to":["[email protected]"],"subject":"Test Subject","content":"some content"}'
Go to http://localhost:8080
Go to http://localhost:8025
Simulate email sending error by turning off the email server and send an email
docker-compose stop mailpit
curl -v http://localhost:3080/api/mail/send -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"from":"[email protected]","to":["[email protected]"],"subject":"Test Mail Server Is DOWN","content":"some content"}'
Watch the task is retrying for 25 times and its mail_deliveries
records has both a Failed
status and error message saved.
To resume, re-start the mail server
docker-compose up -d mailpit
Shut down all containers
docker-compose down
Using pg_top
, we can see it is doing 1 transaction per second
sudo apt install pgtop
Run with
pgtop pg_top -h localhost -p 5432 -d outbox_pattern -U user
last pid: 432794; load avg 2.10, 2.17, 2.31; up 1+14:17:12 10:01:27
5 processes: 5 sleeping
CPU states: 0.0% user, 3.7% nice, 1.0% system, 87.3% idle, 8.0% iowait
Memory: 54G used, 9089M free, 6822M buffers, 9511M cached
DB activity: 1 tps, 0 rollbs/s, 0 buffer r/s, 100 hit%, 66 row r/s, 0 row w/s
DB I/O: 3 reads/s, 384 KB/s, 142 writes/s, 985 KB/s
DB disk: 0.0 GB total, 0.0 GB free (100% used)
Swap: 385M used, 3710M free, 99M cached
70 root 20 0 0K 0K sleep 0:01 0.02% 0.00% ksoftirqd/9
27 root -99 0 0K 0K sleep 0:00 0.00% 0.00% migration/2
69 root -99 0 0K 0K sleep 0:00 0.00% 0.00% migration/9
31 root 20 0 0K 0K sleep 0:00 0.00% 0.00% cpuhp/3
26 root -51 0 0K 0K sleep 0:00 0.00% 0.00% idle_inject/2
To prevent tasks from being dropped prematurely, we gracefully shut down each service properly. They both listen to OS signals so if these were deployed in kubernetes, it will be handled automatically. Otherwise, follow instructions in each section below.
We know it is running at port 3080
kill -SIGTERM $(lsof -t -i :3080)
Each worker has its own PID. Send a TSTP
signal to stop processing new tasks, then send a TERM
signal to shut down the worker
kill -SIGTSTP 209309
kill -SIGTERM 209309