Repository for tt+gamma analysis in the dilepton channel
- Ratio ttgamma/ttbar fit
- AN systematic table (some table duplicate of impact parameter plots, so low priority right now)
- Trying NLO MC sample [failed because of computing time]
- Post-fit signal region plot
- Separate stat and sys errors
- Review of trigger strategy
- Scale FSR to sqrt(2)
- AN overlap removal discussion
- SF and OF separate measurements
- Muon SF systematic uncertainties
- Make systematic band assymetric (already assymetric for the combine fit, but not in the plots)
Tuples are produced in the heavyNeutrino framework ( using option 'dilep' (basic skim of 2 leptons without additional requirements). The branch used is currently CMSSW_8_0_X
Small helper functions and scripts.
Contains the Sample object class and several configuration files (x-sec, styles, how to stack histograms,...) to handle them.
The script skims the heavyNeutrino tuples based on a given lepton and photon id Some usuful variables like m(ll), m(llg), deltaR,... are added to the tuples, such that they can be fastly accessed by second-level (i.e. plotting) scripts.
This directory contains the plotting scripts as well as the scripts to do the fits. The plotting script is called and runs over reduced tuples (as produced by the reduceTuple/ scripts) which are based on the original heavyNeutrino tuples but skimmed for lepton and photon id requirements. The script creates plots in .png, .pdf, .root,.C and .pkl formats. The .pkl format is used as an input to the fitting script.