Simple nodejs backend Github action build and run tests (CI)
Include CD part to deploy to any cloud server or open source server
Dockerize the Appplication.
Orchsetrate containers through Kubernetes
Using cloudnative stack implement centralized logging solution
Check the postman collection for quick Api endpoint testing. Check the App.js Admin user is hardcoded to "Mahesh" only admin user can create data with few endpoints. Post is Hard coded to 8090. Check the index.js
Endpoint: POST /signup Description: Allows a user to sign up by providing an email and password.
Endpoint: POST /login Description: Allows a user to log in by providing their email and password.
Endpoint: GET /submissions
Description: Retrieves the user's submissions for a specific problem.
Endpoint: POST /submissions
Description: Allows a user to submit a problem solution, with the solution being randomly accepted or rejected.
Endpoint: GET /questions
Description: Retrieves a list of questions.
Description: Allows an admin to add a new question.
Getting Started Clone the repository. Install the dependencies using npm install. Start the server using npm start. The API will be available at http://localhost:8090.
Import the postman collection.
go through the index.js code
start testing, debugging your first api.