- This changes your discord status to a twitch status without streaming
- If your having problem with this program you can dm Auro#7749
- Skid if you please!
- If you have any concerns of this being a logger or anything malicious you can go through the code!
- i will not take any responsibility over whatever you are going to do with this
- this can be considered a self bot which is against Discord tos
- So use at your own risk!
- Make sure to install python if you havent already
- then open the run.bat file and let it install the required modules
- once that finishs installing the modules it should run the file!
- You can also cmd into the the file and type python rpc.py
- Get your discord token
- Write the text you want to apear on your status
- Then copy n paste the twitch or youtube url of your choice!