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Restful-booker API automation project

🛠️ Tools and technologies

IntelliJ IDEA Java JUnit5 Gradle REST Assured Jenkins Allure Report REST Assured Telegram

✅ Test cases

  • Successful create a new auth token POST
  • Successful create a new booking POST
  • Successful update booking data PUT
  • Unsuccessful update booking without auth token PUT
  • Get booking request returns not null data GET
  • Get all booking ids returns status 200 GET
  • Delete request returns status 201 DELETE
  • Health check endpoint to confirm API is up GET

▶️ How to run

To run tests locally and in Jenkins the following gradle command is used:

$ gradle clean test 

Jenkins project page

After the build is done the test results are available in Allure Report and Allure TestOps

Jenkins build page

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Test results report in Allure Report

Overview page

Overview page of Allure report contains the following parts:

  • ALLURE REPORT displays date and time of the test, overall number of launched tests and chart showing the percentage and number of successful, fallen and broken tests
  • SUITES displays groups of tests that share a common context such as a specific test environment or a particular test category
  • FEATURES displays groups of tests according to Epic, Feature tags
  • TREND displays trend of running tests for all runs
  • CATEGORIES displays distribution of unsuccessful tests by defect types
  • EXECUTORS displays information on test executors that were used to run the tests

Allure Report Overview page

Graphs page

Graphs allow to see different statistics collected from the test data: statuses breakdown or severity and duration diagrams.

Allure Report graphs

Suites page

On the SUITES tab a standard structural representation of the executed tests, grouped by suites and classes can be found. Each test case have information such as severity, description, duration, test data and execution steps.

Allure Report suites

Allure Report suites

Attachment examples

Allure Report auth example

Allure Report request example

Before tests, a simple health check request to confirm whether the API is up and running is checked.
Also creates a new auth token to use for access to the PUT and DELETE /booking.

Allure Report test set up

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Allure TestOps integration


Allure TestOps dashboards

Test cases

Allure TestOps test cases

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Telegram notifications

Telegram bot sends a report to a specified telegram chat by results of each project build.

Telegram notifications

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