Scripts for mixing acoustic events with AMI corpus MDM recordings.
The repository presents scripts for spatial reverberation of the noise database ( and for mixing reverberated noise to the MDM8 data of the AMI corpus ( The algorithms are discussed in paper [1]. For the noise database the standard Freesound database is utilized.
Corpus mixing has several stochastic components, thus one-to-one reproduction of the corpus, the evaluation results of which were presented in paper [1], is impossible. For one-to-one reproduction it is advised to use the logs of mixing, and apply the same augmentation and mixing parameters.
[1] S. Astapov, G. Svirskiy, A. Lavrentyev, T. Prisyach, D. Popov, D. Ubskiy, and V. Kabarov, "Acoustic Event Mixing to Multichannel AMI Data for Distant Speech Recognition and Acoustic Event Classification Benchmarking," In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2019), pp. 31-42, Sept. 2019.