Level 1 P-Stage Image Classification Project Repository
- 김대웅(팀장) : 스케쥴 및 할 일 관리, 전체 프레임워크 잡기
- 나요한 : Augmentation 실험, 기본 모델들의 성능 평가 및 모델 구현에 기여
- 박준수 : Augmentation 실험, 기본 모델들의 성능 평가 및 모델 구현에 기여
- 이호영 : 데이터 EDA, 추가 데이터셋 확보에 기여
- 최한준 : 데이터 EDA, 추가 데이터셋 확보에 기여
- 추창한 : 멀티 모델 실험, 모델의 성능 저하원인 분석
- 한진 : 멀티 모델 실험, 모델의 성능 저하원인 분석
- Python >= 3.5 (3.8 recommended)
- PyTorch >= 1.4 (1.9 recommended)
- tqdm (Optional for
) - efficientnet_pytorch
- albumnetations
- torchmetrics
- timm
- wandb
│ ├── images
│ │ ├ 000001_female_Asian_45
│ │ │ ├ mask1.jpg
│ │ │ ├ mask2.jpg
│ │ │ ├ mask3.jpg
│ │ │ ├ mask4.jpg
│ │ │ ├ mask5.jpg
│ │ │ ├ incorrect.jpg
│ │ │ └ normal.jpg
│ │ └ ...
│ ├── train.csv
│ └── trans_train.csv
├── info.csv
└── images
├── ._0a2bd33bf76d7426f3d6ca0b7fbe03ee431159b4.jpg
└── ...
├── train.py - main script to start training
├── test.py - evaluation of trained model
├── config.json - holds configuration for training
├── config_submit.json - holds configuration for submit
├── parse_config.py - class to handle config file and cli options
├── base/ - abstract base classes
│ ├── base_data_loader.py
│ ├── base_model.py
│ └── base_trainer.py
├── data_loader/ - anything about data loading goes here
│ ├── data_loader.py
│ ├── datasets.py
│ └── transforms.py
├── model/ - models, losses, and metrics
│ ├── model.py
│ ├── metric.py
│ └── loss.py
├── saved/
│ ├── models/ - trained models are saved here
│ └── log/ - default logdir for tensorboard and logging output
├── trainer/ - trainers
│ └── trainer.py
├── logger/ - module for tensorboard visualization and logging
│ ├── visualization.py
│ ├── logger.py
│ └── logger_config.json
└── utils/ - small utility functions
├── util.py
└── ...
# BaseModel
python3 train.py -c config_main.json
# AgeModel
python3 train.py -c config_sub.json
# Submit
python3 submit.py -c config_submit_main.json
python3 submit.py -c config_submit_sub.json
Config files are in .json
"name": "PretrainModelTimmViTBasePath16_TRNS004_Adam_StepLR", // training session name
"n_gpu": 1, // number of GPUs to use for training.
"arch": {
"type": "PretrainModelTimmViTBasePath16", // name of model architecture to train
"args": {}
"transforms_select": {
"type": "transforms_select", // selecting transforms methods
"args": {
"method": "VIT_TRNS004",
"default": "VIT_DEFAULT"
"data_loader": {
"type": "MaskDataLoader", // selecting data loader
"args": {
"data_dir": "../input/data", // dataset path
"batch_size": 32, // batch size
"shuffle": true, // shuffle training data before splitting
"validation_split": 0.1 // size of validation dataset. float(portion) or int(number of samples)
"num_workers": 2, // number of cpu processes to be used for data loading
"trsfm": false, // use transforms
"submit": false // submission
"optimizer": {
"type": "Adam",
"args": {
"lr": 2e-5, // learning rate
"weight_decay": 0, // (optional) weight decay
"amsgrad": true
"loss": {
"type": "cross_entropy_loss", //loss
"args": {
"class_weight": false
"metrics": [
"accuracy","f1" // list of metrics to evaluate
"lr_scheduler": {
"type": "StepLR", // learning rate scheduler
"args": {
"step_size": 50,
"gamma": 0.1
"trainer": {
"epochs": 20, // number of training epochs
"save_dir": "saved/", // checkpoints are saved in save_dir/models/name
"save_period": 1, // save checkpoints every save_freq epochs
"verbosity": 2, // 0: quiet, 1: per epoch, 2: full
"monitor": "min val_loss" // mode and metric for model performance monitoring. set 'off' to disable.
"early_stop": 10, // number of epochs to wait before early stop. set 0 to disable.
"wandb": {
"use": true, //enable tensorboard visualization
"args": {
"project": "basic", //sub project name
"entity": "boostcamp-level01-04" //project name
Modify the configurations in .json
config files, then run:
python train.py --config config.json
You can resume from a previously saved checkpoint by:
python train.py --resume (e.g. saved/models/[confg.name]/[MMDD_Hashvalue]/checkpoint-epoch#.pth)
You can test from a previously saved checkpoint by:
python test.py --resume path/to/checkpoint(e.g. saved/models/[confg.name]/[MMDD_Hashvalue]/checkpoint-epoch#.pth)
You can submit from a previously saved checkpoint by:
python submit.py --resume path/to/checkpoint(e.g. saved/models/[confg.name]/[MMDD_Hashvalue]/checkpoint-epoch#.pth)
- Add transforms feature(or Albumentation)
Weights & Biases
logger support - Add pretrained model(e.g. EfficientNet, ViT, Resnet ...)
- Data Augmentation (e.g. CLAHE, Elastic & Cutmix, Horizontal Flip, ...)
- Soft, Hard Ensemble
- Time Test Augment
- Multi Sample Dropout
- Focal Loss
- ArcFace Loss
- Label Smoothing Loss
- Angular Additive Margin Loss
- OverSampling
- K-Fold Validate
- Crop using MTCNN
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details
We use this project template(PyTorch-template) by victoresque