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Lint Infracost

💰 Infracost estimate: monthly cost will be ~ $449.

Project Price
aws/modules/acm $0
aws/modules/efs $0
aws/modules/elasticache $12.41
aws/modules/opensearch $1.35
aws/modules/route53 $0.50
aws/modules/alb $16.43
aws/modules/ec2 $9.76
aws/modules/eks $120
aws/modules/rds $89.79
aws/eks $198
All projects $449

1 project has no cost estimate changes.

Infracost output
Project: aws/modules/acm
Module path: aws/modules/acm

+ aws_route53_record.cert_validation
  Monthly cost depends on usage

    + Standard queries (first 1B)
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.40 per 1M queries

    + Latency based routing queries (first 1B)
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.60 per 1M queries

    + Geo DNS queries (first 1B)
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.70 per 1M queries

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/acm (Module path: aws/modules/acm)
Amount:  $0.00 ($0.00 → $0.00)

Project: aws/modules/efs
Module path: aws/modules/efs

+ aws_efs_file_system.efs_production
  Monthly cost depends on usage

    + Storage (standard)
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.30 per GB

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/efs (Module path: aws/modules/efs)
Amount:  $0.00 ($0.00 → $0.00)

Project: aws/modules/elasticache
Module path: aws/modules/elasticache

+ aws_elasticache_cluster.redis

    + ElastiCache (on-demand, cache.t3.micro)

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/elasticache (Module path: aws/modules/elasticache)
Amount:  +$12.41 ($0.00 → $12.41)

Project: aws/modules/opensearch
Module path: aws/modules/opensearch


    + Instance (on-demand, t2.small.elastsearch)

    + Storage (gp2)

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/opensearch (Module path: aws/modules/opensearch)
Amount:  +$1.35 ($0.00 → $1.35)

Project: aws/modules/route53
Module path: aws/modules/route53

+ aws_route53_zone.main

    + Hosted zone

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/route53 (Module path: aws/modules/route53)
Amount:  +$0.50 ($0.00 → $0.50)

Project: aws/modules/alb
Module path: aws/modules/alb

+ aws_lb.alb

    + Application load balancer

    + Load balancer capacity units
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$5.84 per LCU

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/alb (Module path: aws/modules/alb)
Amount:  +$16.43 ($0.00 → $16.43)

Project: aws/modules/ec2
Module path: aws/modules/ec2

+ aws_instance.ec2[0]

    + Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, t3a.micro)

    + EC2 detailed monitoring

    + root_block_device

        + Storage (general purpose SSD, gp2)

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/ec2 (Module path: aws/modules/ec2)
Amount:  +$9.76 ($0.00 → $9.76)

Project: aws/modules/eks
Module path: aws/modules/eks

+ aws_eks_cluster.cluster

    + EKS cluster

+ aws_eks_node_group.nodes

    + Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, t3a.small)

    + Storage (general purpose SSD, gp2)

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/eks (Module path: aws/modules/eks)
Amount:  +$120 ($0.00 → $120)

Project: aws/modules/rds
Module path: aws/modules/rds

+ aws_rds_cluster.cluster
  Monthly cost depends on usage

    + Storage
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.10 per GB

    + I/O requests
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.20 per 1M requests

    + Backtrack
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.012 per 1M change-records

    + Snapshot export
      Monthly cost depends on usage
        +$0.01 per GB

+ aws_rds_cluster_instance.instances[0]

    + Database instance (on-demand, db.t3.small)

+ aws_rds_cluster_instance.instances[1]

    + Database instance (on-demand, db.t3.small)

+ aws_rds_cluster_instance.instances[2]

    + Database instance (on-demand, db.t3.small)

Monthly cost change for aws/modules/rds (Module path: aws/modules/rds)
Amount:  +$89.79 ($0.00 → $89.79)

Project: aws/eks
Module path: aws/eks

+ module.eks.aws_eks_cluster.cluster

    + EKS cluster

+ module.eks.aws_eks_node_group.nodes

    + Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, on-demand, t3.large)

    + CPU credits

    + Storage (general purpose SSD, gp2)

Monthly cost change for aws/eks (Module path: aws/eks)
Amount:  +$198 ($0.00 → $198)


The following projects have no cost estimate changes: aws/modules/network (Module path: aws/modules/network)
Run the following command to see their breakdown: infracost breakdown --path=/path/to/code

Key: ~ changed, + added, - removed

83 cloud resources were detected:
∙ 15 were estimated, 11 of which include usage-based costs, see
∙ 68 were free:
  ∙ 14 x aws_lb_target_group_attachment
  ∙ 10 x aws_efs_mount_target
  ∙ 10 x aws_iam_role_policy_attachment
  ∙ 5 x aws_route_table_association
  ∙ 5 x aws_subnet
  ∙ 4 x aws_iam_role
  ∙ 2 x aws_default_route_table
  ∙ 2 x aws_internet_gateway
  ∙ 2 x aws_security_group
  ∙ 2 x aws_security_group_rule
  ∙ 2 x aws_vpc
  ∙ 1 x aws_acm_certificate
  ∙ 1 x aws_acm_certificate_validation
  ∙ 1 x aws_db_subnet_group
  ∙ 1 x aws_efs_access_point
  ∙ 1 x aws_eip
  ∙ 1 x aws_elasticache_subnet_group
  ∙ 1 x aws_iam_service_linked_role
  ∙ 1 x aws_key_pair
  ∙ 1 x aws_lb_listener
  ∙ 1 x aws_lb_target_group