A comprehensive wiki with theory summaries and code snippets is available at this link. It can be used as a reference guide at the exam.
Repository that contains all the projects developed during the laboratories of the "Big Data: Architectures and Data Analytics" course of the Politecnico di Torino. In the wiki section you can find summaries of the lectures, cheatsheets and code samples.
create a new project from source, import the libraries trough the "project structure" menu: the libraries are in the labs/lib
- Compile the MapReduce Application obtaining the jar file.
In Intellij IDEA, go to File->Project Structure-> Artifacts -> generate artifacts, select as main class the Driver.
scp the jar file to the gateway using:
scp <idea-project-folder>/out/artifacts/main_jar/main.jar [email protected]:/home/bigdata-01QYD/s241915/
use HDFS commands to copy the input files into the cluster file system, or connect to: https://bigdatalab.polito.it:8080 to use the web interface (Hue).
via web interface:
-- drawer -> Files to go into the HDFS user home directory
-- upload the input file
- execute the jar from the gateway:
hadoop jar app.jar <number-of-reducers> <input-file> <outputfile>
all the relative path in input and output file are related to the home directory of the user in the hadoop cluster.
The whole job history is available at https://ma1-bigdata.polito.it:19890/jobhistory/, kerberos authentication required: obtain a 1 day ticket for the local machine using kinit s241915
Differently from MapReduce, a spark job can be executed locally or on the hadoop cluster using the YARN scheduler.
To submit a spark application, the spark-submit
CLI must be used. It accepts various parameters, values separated using space and not equal
class of the jar to be executed that contains the main--master
used to specify the scheduler. Values:yarn
to execture the application on the cluster,loca
to execute on the local workstation.--deploy-mode
used to specify where the driver must be executed. values:client
. Note that all the local variable of the driver will be istantiated in the driver, in cluster mode the maximum amout of main memry for each executor is 2 to 8GB, better to use client mode if the workstation has more than 8GB of ram.--num-executors
, default is 2--executor-cores
, default is 1--executor-memory
, default is 1GB, main memory for each executor that runs on the cluster--driver-cores
spark-submit --class it.polito.bigdata.spark.DriverMyApp --deploy-mode cluster --master yarn MyApp.jar <arguments>
example with Eclipse Oxygen and local installation of spark:
in Eclipse, File->Export->Jar file, configure and select the main class
launch the job locally, from the output directory of the jar:
/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit --class it.polito.bigdata.spark.example.SparkDriver --deploy-mode client --master local lab5_sol.jar <args>
A Kerberos ticket is required to have access to other servers of the bigdatalab other that the gateway.
sudo apt install krb5-user
and then follow the guide