prototype - timber-man godot clone (but ugly)
- initial setup
- git setup
- detect player input
- understand basics animation
- basic animation for tucks
- sprite animation (for timberman movement)
- sprite flip (timberboy needs to hit from the other side)
- sprite movement (timberbadboy literally need to go from on side to the other)
- add animation based movement
- draw character + anything to animation
- draw tuck
- draw branch (invert based on side, at future)
- add sprites
- hit tuck
- spawn tucks, with random branchstuck
- game over if touch branch
- save best score
- draw background
- fix UI
- add a title
- improve score show
- add gameplay tutorial (A/D inputs)
- improve game over (show scores, R input to restart)
- add timer bar + animation
- game start (bar start by first hit)
- add timer mechanic (timing decrease faster if not hitting)
- game over if timer is over