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This is a package to format duration, written in TypeScript.
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npm i format-duration-time


yarn add format-duration-time


You can import this package to your code as below in JavaScript and TypeScript.

import duration from 'format-duration-time';


var duration = require("format-duration-time").default

The followings are some sample codes to use this package.

duration(3600000).format('h')// 1
duration(9000000).format('h:m')// 2:30
duration(1, 'h').format('m[minute]ss[second]')//60minute00second
duration(60, 's').format('mm')// 01
duration(1000, 's').format('s', {digitSeparator: ','})// 1,000
duration(1, 'S').format('SSSS')// 0001
duration(90, 'm').format('h', { digitSeparator: ',', decimalPlace: 3, roundType: 'round'})//1.500

duration and format methods should be called with following arguments.

duration(value, unit).format(template);

To padding zero on the head of formated duration, format function should be called by multiple token.

duration(1, 'S').format('SSSS')// 0001

Default input unit is milli second.
To escape your token in the template you can use square brackets.

duration(1, 'h').format('m[minute]ss[second]')//60minute00second

Avalable duration unit

unit argument
Day d
Hour h
Minute m
Second s
Milli second S(default)

Avalable format templates

token examples
Day d
1, 2, 3, ...
01, 02, 03 ...
Hour h
1, 2, 3, ...
01, 02, 03 ...
Minute m
1, 2, 3, ...
01, 02, 03, ...
Second s
1, 2, 3, ...
01, 02, 03, ...
Milli second S
1, 2, 3, ...
01, 02, 03, ...

To add or subtract duration, you can use add or sub method like following examples.

duration(2, 'm').add(1, 's').format('m [minutes,]s [seconds]')//2 minutes,1 seconds
duration(2, 'm').sub(1, 's').format('m [minutes,]s [seconds]')//1 minutes,59 seconds

add and sub methods does not change the original duration object.

const firstDuration = duration(1);
const secondDuration = firstDuration.add(1);
firstDuration.format('S');// 1
secondDuration.format('S');// 2


This is an optional parameter.
You can add following options in the format function as Object.

duration(value, unit).format(template, {options})


{ digitSeparator: string }

To put digit separator in every 3 digit, add digitSeparator option.
Value of digitSeparator must be string.

duration(1000, 's').format('s', {digitSeparator: ','})// 1,000


{ decimalPlace: number }

You can set number of decimal digits to display.
decimalPlace option will work on only the smallest template token.
Value of decimalPlace must be integer.

duration(90, 'm').format('h:m', { decimalPlace: 3})// 1:30.000


{ roundType: 'floor', 'ceil' or 'round' }

Set roundType to round the lowest value.
The default type is floor.

duration(30, 's').format('m', { roundType: 'round'})//1

You can set multiple options like folowing example.

duration(90, 'm').format('h', { digitSeparator: ',', decimalPlace: 3, roundType: 'round'})//1.500