This is a deep learning project that mines non-exist phrase from text corpus. The project is inspired by Deep Keyphrase Generation The project uses a simple encoder-decoder model to do phrase mining.
The codebase is composed of 8 components.
Detailed documentation and comments for main functions are provided in the code.
src/main: the main entrance of the codebase. call training/testing phase.
src/models: all the RNN networks for the encoder-decoder model
src/paras: parameters for all RNN networks
src/train: the training phase
src/test: the testing phase
src/evaluate: call in the testing phrase. provide greedy and beam search evaluation
src/text: summary of text corpus
src/datasets: file path for input datasets
train/papers/input: the training data
test/papers/input: the testing data
The original dataset. The data in this repo is processed.
Due to the size limit of github, the pre-trained model cannot be uploaded. Let me know if you need it.
result/papers/8c3f2b4/prediction/analyzation.txt: contains the prediction of the testing dataset
The result is not satisfactory. It seems that the title of scientific publication doesn't contain enough information. Thus, it fails to correctly predict most phrases.
To run the code, simply run "python3" It takes 24+ hours to run 3000 epochs for the dataset on a TI1080 GPU
This project follows the tutorial to build simple RNN networks.
Translation with a Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention