The "Putting Green" are a series of entry level Ghidra Scripting challenges designed to get a competitor familiar with Ghidra's FlatProgramAPI.
These series of 9 challenges walk a competitor through different scripting scenarios to include patching, searching, metadata extraction, and symbol enumeration. From challenge 1 through 4 a template script is provided to the competitor. Challenges 5 on wards require writing your own in either Python or Java. A description of the challenges can be seen below with corresponding "solve scripts" available in ./solves.
These challenges and associated solve scripts are being released in hopes of future competition organizers leveraging them in their own Ghidra Golf Competition or inspiring them for similar challenges.
1-helloworld: submit a Ghidra Script to simply print "Hello world" to understand the Ghidra Script submission process.
- Note, if using python,
has to be used to get captured in analyzeHeadless'-scriptLog
- Note, if using python,
2-ghidra-metadata: Obtain metadata about the currently loaded program.
3-references: Obtain references to a given function/address.
4-called-functions: Identify functions that call a specific function.
5-decompiler: programatically print out Ghidra's decompilation of a function.
6-defined-data: Enumerate values in different sections of the binary.
7-hello-patch: Patch specific bytes within a binary.
8-evil-bytes: Identify the evil bytes and print the offset within a binary.
9-class-function: Enumerate methods of given classes.
Reference the steps provided in the ghidra_scripts repo for how to add a directory to your Ghidra Script search path. The Ghidra Scripts are identifiable from the GhidraGolf category as shown below.