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Stock quote service demo

THis was built and tested with Linux Mint 20.10 although it should work with any recent Linux distro and possibly on other OS as well...

Prerequisite software

The versions listed below are what I used for development and testing - recent earlier versions should work since I am not relying on cutting edge features.

  • golang v1.18.1
  • openssl v3.0.2
  • minikube v1.28.0
  • docker Client: v20.20.22, Server: v20.10.20
  • git v2.34.1
  • curl v7.81.0
  • jq jq-1.6 (Optional for viewing json in an attractive format)


clone repository create CA create certificate minikube addons enable ingress

Building docker image

Run in the docker directory

Running the standalone docker version

After building the docker image, run in the docker directory.

Minikube prep

  1. Run the following:

    inikube addons list
  2. If the ingress addon is not enabled, run the following:

    minikube start
    minikube addons enable ingress
  3. Navigate to the certs directory

    cd ../certs
  4. Create the TLS secret for the ingress controller:

    kubectl -n kube-system create secret tls mkcert --key server.key --cert certbundle.pem
  5. Configure the ingress addon:

    minikube addons configure ingress
  6. When prompted, add the newly created secret: kube-system/mkcert

  7. Disable and re-enable the ingress addon to pick up the new secret. This may take a few seconds:

    minikube addons disable ingress
    minikube addons enable ingress
  8. Verify the custom certificate was enabled:

    kubectl -n ingress-nginx get deployment ingress-nginx-controller -o yaml | grep "kube-system" | jq '.'

Running the minikube version

  1. Navigate to the kubernetes directory

    cd ../kubernetes
  2. Start minikube if it is not currently running. Run the following:

    minikube start
    minikube addons enable ingress
  3. Set the docker environment

    eval $(minikube docker-env)
  4. Determine the minikube IP address: Run minikube ip and add as the minikube IP to the local hosts file. This is /etc/hosts under linux.

  5. Load the locally built docker image:

    minikube image load quote:latest

    In practice, you would pull a fixed tag image from the repository, but using the latest works for testing purposes.

  6. Create the configmap:

    kubectl create -f config.yaml
  7. Create the API_KEY secret:

    kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml
  8. Create TLS secrets: I set things up so both the docker image and the ingress can both work with TLS to test and demo each that way. It is a more common practice (and simpler) to terminate TLS at the ingress.

    kubectl create secret generic certs --from-file=../certs/server.key --from-file=../certs/certbundle.pem
  9. Create the deployment:

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  10. Create the service:

    kubectl expose deployment stock-quote --port=8443
  11. Apply the ingress:

    kubectl apply -f quote-ingress.yaml


To obtain the stock quote, run the following:

curl -k -X GET | jq '.'

The average closing price is added to the metadata as item 6:

 % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1255  100  1255    0     0    638      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   638
  "Meta Data": {
    "1. Information": "Daily Time Series with Splits and Dividend Events",
    "2. Symbol": "MSFT",
    "3. Last Refreshed": "2022-12-29",
    "4. Output Size": "Compact",
    "5. Time Zone": "US/Eastern",
    "6. Average Close": "237.88"
  "Time Series (Daily)": {
    "2022-12-22": {
      "1. open": "241.255",
      "2. high": "241.99",
      "3. low": "233.87",
      "4. close": "238.19",
      "5. adjusted close": "238.19",
      "6. volume": "28651664",
      "7. dividend amount": "0.0000",
      "8. split coefficient": "1.0"

    "2022-12-29": {
      "1. open": "235.65",
      "2. high": "241.92",
      "3. low": "235.65",
      "4. close": "241.01",
      "5. adjusted close": "241.01",
      "6. volume": "19743126",
      "7. dividend amount": "0.0000",
      "8. split coefficient": "1.0"

If NDAYS is set larger than 100 it automatically fetches the non-compact data from the server to complete your request. If you request more data than is availble then an error will be returned.

You may also navigate to in a browser window to obtain the data, after accepting the warnings about self-signed certificates.


To terminate the deployment and remove all components:

kubectl delete service stock-quote
kubectl delete ingress quote-ingress
kubectl delete deploy stock-quote
kubectl delete configmap quote-config
kubectl delete secret certs
kubectl delete secret quote-secret

Possible future work

  • Tweak resource limits (I am being overly genererous with the app)
  • Use a real (not self-signed) TLS certificate from a source like Let's encrypt:
  • Script the launch and teardown
  • Create a Helm chart for it
  • Create makefile
  • Unit and CI tests (Github actions and make)
  • Live updates to permit changing SYMBOL, NDAYS and TLS certificates without any downtime. (Use either kubectl patch secret and/or kubectl create secret --dry-run | kubectl apply -f - and kubectl create configmap --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -)
  • I had considered caching requests to go easier on the server, but the returned result may or may not include the current day, depending on whether the exchange is closed and results are avaialble, so even a previous query from an hour ago could be out of date. It might be possible if you know when today's results will be available relative to GMT and timestamp every query.
  • There is a fixed retry if the server does not respond or returns an error, but it would be better to check the return code and use an exponential backoff for temporary issues and and just abort with a fatal log message for unrecoverable errors that a retry won't fix like our credentials getting stale.
  • Add options to override NDAYS and SYMBOL from the API
  • Move it to the cloud
  • Add SSRF checks
  • Add replicates to the quote service to minimize downtime if this is a critical service that must be up 24/7 if we are deploying in a real cloud instead of minikube on a single server.


Stock quote service experiment






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