Sinatra app for This app caches files written in textile and markdown for a quick database-less website -- written for those that want a small site or blog with git version control. This app uses slim for templating and purebred sass syntax for the stylesheets.
Modify unicorn.rb
to suit your needs then run the commands:
bundle install
bundle exec unicorn -c unicorn.rb
Modify recipebox.rb
to set your app name and environment.
See views/recipes
for folder hierarchy and examples using textile. Since I personally don't use markdown, here is an example markdown page:
title: Markdown Soup (If you don't specify a title, it will be extrapolated from the filename.)
date: 1267666404 (Date can be plaintext or in the form of a unix timestamp. If no date is specified, a date is extrapolated from the file's creation timestamp.)
desc: This is the best soup (Description to display on the home page.)
noheader: true (Prevents header from displaying on the page. Defaults to false if you don't specify.)
* 1 tsp salt
* 1 Tbsp ruby
* 1 magic, zest and juice
+ Combine ingredients
+ ???
+ Profit
Copy the code above into a new file and save as views/recipes/
and let the main page auto-sort the new recipe for you.
When in a production environment, the app will write html files of the index and sub-pages to a folder called .cache
in the app root. The sass handler should take care of the stylesheets for you automatically. Otherwise, drop static css files in the public folder. Though very rudimentary, this will bypass routing through unicorn for repeating requests, and you can clear the cache by deleting .cache
or any file in it.
Here's a basic config pointing to the cache folder in Nginx:
### Recipebox App ###
upstream unicorn_recipebox {
server unix:/srv/recipebox/unicorn.sock
server {
access_log logs/recipebox.access_log main;
error_log logs/recipebox.error_log info;
listen 80;
root /srv/recipebox;
location @app {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
# Pass to the upstream unicorn server mentioned above.
proxy_pass http://unicorn_recipebox;
location = / {
try_files /.cache/index.html /public/index.html @app;
location / {
try_files /.cache/$uri /.cache/$uri.html /public/$uri /public/$uri.html @app;
If you use a systemd-based system (like Arch Linux), you can copy this config to a .service file and edit the file paths to match your site root and unicorn path.
Description=Unicorn application server (recipebox)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/unicorn -D -c unicorn.rb
date +%s