Releases: getbread/volusion_bread_release
v2.1.9 (#9)
Fixes issue where certain settings combinations caused some orders expected to settle automatically to remain as "authorized" status
Volusion-Bread Pay Plugin 2.1.7
Fixes an issue where, with certain cookies settings enabled, the bread pay button would not load on a product page if the buyer navigating directly to that page via the URL, rather than through a link on the website.
Volusion-Bread Pay Plugin 2.1.6
Fixes an issue where certain shipping settings would cause the Bread button to not correctly load on the checkout page.
Volusion-Bread Pay Plugin 2.1.5
Fixes an issue where certain shipping settings would cause the Bread button to not correctly load on the checkout page.
Fixes an issue where logged in buyers' email addresses would not be logged in Volusion correctly.
Volusion-Bread Pay Plugin 2.1.3
Fixes an issue where buyers could finish checkout without having chosen a shipping option. Adds additional checks to ensure accurate shipping and tax amounts are sent to the Volusion dashboard.
Volusion-Bread Pay Plugin 2.1.2
Bread button customization through merchant portal available Removed button styling from Bread Pay placements, as style customization is now available directly in users' Merchant Portal
Volusion-Bread Pay Plugin 2.1.1
v2.1.1 Update bread.controller.js