The OCTA Python toolbox was created by Van Geert, Bossens, and Wagemans (2021) as a tool for researchers to create stimuli varying in order and complexity on different dimensions. It was created in Python 3.8 and is dependent on the following Python libraries: svgwrite, svg.path, svgpathtools, svgutils, jsonpickle, html2image, svglib, reportlab, colour, and IPython. We thank the developers of each of these libraries and of the Python programming language.
pip install octa
A simple example:
from octa.Stimulus import Grid
from octa.patterns import GridPattern
from octa.shapes import Ellipse, Rectangle, Triangle
## Create new stimulus
stim = Grid(n_rows = 6, n_cols = 6, background_color = "none",
row_spacing = 40, col_spacing = 40)
## Determine shape of elements used in the stimulus
stim.shapes = GridPattern.RepeatAcrossColumns([Rectangle, Triangle, Ellipse])
## Determine color of elements used in the stimulus
colors_to_use = ["#1b9fd8", "#6dd6ff", "#006ca1"]
stim.fillcolors = GridPattern.RepeatAcrossColumns(colors_to_use)
## Determine size of elements used in the stimulus
stim.boundingboxes = GridPattern.RepeatAcrossColumns([(30,30)])
A graphical user interface for OCTA is available in the form of a Shiny app.
If you use the OCTA Python toolbox in your (academic) work, please cite:
- Van Geert, E., Bossens, C., & Wagemans, J. (2023). The Order & Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics (OCTA): A systematic approach to study the relations between order, complexity, and aesthetic appreciation. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 2423–2446.
- Van Geert, E., Bossens, C., & Wagemans, J. (2021). The Order & Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics Python library [Computer software].
If you use the OCTA Shiny app in your (academic) work, please cite:
- Van Geert, E., Bossens, C., & Wagemans, J. (2023). The Order & Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics (OCTA): A systematic approach to study the relations between order, complexity, and aesthetic appreciation. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 2423–2446.
- Van Geert, E., Bossens, C., & Wagemans, J. (2021). The Order & Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics Shiny application [Online application].
Overview of OCTA resources:
Human-readable documentation:
Computer-readable documentation:
The OCTA Python toolbox is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0.