In 3 steps, you'll have todo_app up and running in your browser from scratch.
> make stylus
> make coffee
This will compile .styl
to .css
and .coffee
to .js
File changes will automatically be recompiled.
If you encounter SSL problems installing npm modules then tell npm to default to http by setting up a .npmrc: > echo "registry =" >> ~/.npmrc
> make server
In a browser, visit http://localhost:3000/index-dev.html?live
The development server is JUST for live.js/livereload and Chrome. live.js/livereload uses XHR to automatically reload JavaScript and CSS, Chrome does not allow XHR over the file://
protocol (issue 41024).
> make specs
If the server isn't running...
> make server
Visit [http://localhost:3000/spec-runner/index.html]
> make stylus
> make coffee
> make clean; make
> make specs
In a browser, go to [http://localhost:3000/spec-runner/index.html].
> make server
In a browser, go to [http://localhost:3000] and spotcheck functionality hasn't regressed.
Extract it in "~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages"
This will show CoffeeeScript syntax errors in the editor. More information is available at [].
Note: the coffee command needs to be in your path for the the SublimeLinter to work with CoffeeScript.
> cp -R node_modules/stylus/editors/Stylus.tmbundle "~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages"
This project was created to train developers how to use a specific flavor of creating rich client side applications centered around Backbone.js. The technologies attached to the backbone are CoffeeScript, require.js for modularity, Stylus for styling and Peter Wong's Cell [] for views. The todo list application was ported from Larry Myers' Backbone Koans [] which was pure JavaScript and Backbone.js.