#Google App Engine CSV Exporter
A utility script that allows saving / backing up / exporting Google App Engine datastore data in a csv format. This script is capable downloading large quantities of data, not being bound by the GAE request quotas.
GAE does not have a built in mechanism of backing up / exporting data in a portable format. The DataStore Admin currently only allows backing up to blobstore or Google Cloud Storage. I wanted a simpler and more flexible solution - and for smaller data sets nothing beats good old csv files!
Configure and run The script is export_as_csv.py
in the GAE Remote API shell.
The script uses Python 2.7 and needs to be run from the [GAE Remote API shell] (https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/remoteapi). Follow setup (including enabling remote_api on the datastore) as described there. Afterwards launch the Remote API Shell and execute:
import export_as_csv
Configure export_as_csv.py
so that it fetches the table and columns you want. To do so, change the following lines in it:
def writeHeader(csvWriter)
csvWriter.writerow(['Email', 'User ID', 'Date Saved']) #Output csv header
def saveItem(csvWriter, item):
csvWriter.writerow([item.email, item.userId, item.dateSaved]) # Save items in preferred format
Create a custom query and invoke the exportToCsv method, passing the query, filename and delimiter:
query = UserSavedList.gql("ORDER BY email") #Query for items
exportToCsv(query, 'testCsv.csv', ',')
The source code contains an example application. The application creates MyModel
rows and the export_as_csv.py
downloads these.