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Quick Panel

The Quick Panel will allow you to search for each option available in Deviot.

There are two options to open the Quick Panel:

  1. From Deviot Menu > Quick Panel
  2. From shortcut ctrl+shift+q (Any O.S)

When the Quick Panel is shown, you can type the option you are looking for.

New Sketch

The main diference with the New File option of Sublime Text is, with Deviot's option you will end with a Arduino or C++ template.

Create a new sketch from Deviot > New Sketch, type the name of your sketch and select the destination folder, your sketch will be stored in destination_folder/sketch_name/file(s)

There are two ways to create a new file:

  1. Enter myfile.ino, you will end with a file like this:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  1. Enter myfile.cpp, you will end with this file:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

int main(void){
    // put your main code here:

If you enter a name whitout extension, Deviot will use the Arduino template by default, but you can change this behavior from Deviot Menu > Options > Use CPP on New File, this way you will end with the c++ template.

Select Board

PlatformIO, the core of Deviot, support more than 400+ boards. Deviot will show you the full list of boards from Deviot Menu > Select Board. You can select multiples boards from this option. You will note a * symbol at the beginning of each board selected.

After select a board, it will be considerated an environment. To work with a specific environment, you need to select it from Deviot Menu > Select Environment. Deviot will automatically choose the last board selected as active environment. You can note the active environment in the status bar*.

Deviot will recognize all your environments already initialized in your platformio.ini, it will be marked with * in the board list. Write * in the Quick Panel window to show only the selected boards. When you select a board with * it will be removed from the environment list and from platformio.ini.

  • Note that the information in status bar is only displayed when you have selected a .ino, .pde, .cpp, .c or .S file.

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)

Select Environment

This option will show you all boards previously selected in Deviot Menu > Select Board. If you open a PlatformIO Project with environment already intialized, it will be listed in this option.

You can note the active environment from the status bar*. The active environment is used to compile, upload or clean. At this moment it's a global option. If you select an environment and move to other sketch/project with that environment not initialized, it will initialize it in the new sketch/project.

  • Note that the information in status bar is only displayed when you have selected a .ino, .pde, .cpp, .c or .S file.

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)

Find/Install Library

PlatformIO manager has hundreds of libraries organized in a single platform. Deviot automatize this process, to search a library follow this steps:

  1. Go to Deviot Menu > Find/Install Library
  2. Enter a name or keyword to search a library.
  3. Select a library from the result list to install it.

Press esc to cancel

Deviot will show the state of the installation in the console.

The libraries will be installed in ~/.platformio/lib

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)

Update Library

If a library was updated by the owner, use this option to get the update in your machine.

If you don't see a library already installed in the list, try using the option Deviot Menu > Library Options > Rebuild Library List and then Update Library again

Remove Library

Remove a library from the library manager.

If you don't see a library already installed in the list, try using the option Deviot Menu > Library Options > Rebuild Library List and then Remove Library again

Import Library

Add #include <Library.h> in the current sketch. Note that this option will be only available when a .ino, .pde, .cpp, .c or .S file is open and selected.


Browse over the examples availables in each installed library, including the libraries added with the Extra Library Folder option.

Open Library Folder

Open the default library folder located in ~/.platformio/lib

Rebuild Library List

Deviot use a cache system to list the library already installed in your machine, if you install a library with an external PlatformIO instance, for example from the the terminal with PlatformIO CLI, run this option to update the list of libraries installed.

Extra Librar Folder

Adds a new folder to store your libraries, your libraries should be stored like this:

├── library1
|	└── src
├── library2
|	└── src
└── library3
	└── src

The best example is to add the Arduino library folder, normally located in ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries

This option will add the lib_extra_dirs flag in your platformio.ini, if you don't want to keep this kind of flag after compile/upload, checks platformio.ini Untouch

Remove Extra Library Folder

If you previously setted an extra library folder, this option will be available to remove it.


Compile your sketch with active environment.

If you have an unsaved sketch, Deviot will save it with a random name and store it in a temp folder before compile it, you can access to it from Deviot Menu > Options > Open Build Folder

Deviot will also save automatically your unsaved changes before to compile your sketch/project.

If you haven't selected any environment you will be prompted to select one.

Where are located the compiled files?

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)


Upload and compile, if it's neccesary, your sketch with the active environment.

If you have an unsaved sketch, Deviot will save it with a random name and store it in a temp folder before upload it, you can access to it from Deviot Menu > Options > Open Build Folder

Deviot will also save automatically your unsaved changes before upoad your sketch/project.

If you haven't selected any environment or serial port you will be prompted to select one.

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)


Remove the compiled files asociated to the current project.

Where are located the compiled files?

Override Upload Speed

use the upload_speed PlatformIO flag to override the upload speed of the current selecting environment when sending firmware to board.

Freeze Sketch

When you are developing a new library, you need to compile your code frequently and may be awkward to open or select the sketch after each change.

This feature will allow you to compile the same sketch no matter what file you have selected (IOT files .ino, .pde, .cpp, .c, .S).

This is how this work:

  • Select the sketch you want to freeze and go to Compile/Upload Options > Freeze Sketch

Open your dependenci file (like a library) an start to edit it. When you compile your code, it will always compile the sketch you previously froze.

To unfreeze it you just need to go to Compile/Upload Options > Freeze Sketch, to this step doesn't matter what file your have selected.

This option is only available when you have selected a valid file: .ino, .pde, .cpp, .c, .S

platformio.ini Untouch

When Deviot compile/upload your project, depending on your options, will need to add new flag into platformio.ini. Select this option if you don't want to keep that flags in your platformio.ini after the compilation/upload.

Note that selecting this option will make to compile your sketch each time, even if you didn't change anything in the code

Open platformio.ini

Opens the platformio.ini file associated to your project. If there any environment initialized yet, this option will be disabled.

Show Deviot Console

Opens the console with the processing file output. If you closed it after compile/upload or any other action required by the console, it will keep the last output until you do a new action.

If there is no information to show in the console, it will be no open.

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)

Hide Deviot Console

Hides the console with the processing file output. You can also hide it pressing the esc key.

Show Terminal

The terminal will allow you to process advanced commands with PlatformIO

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)

Hide Terminal

Closes the Terminal


Upload your firmware using a programmer (only for atmelavr)

Deviot automates the process explained here


Lists the Devices to be use when you upload your firmware, it will also discover your MDNS devices, it's useful when you want to use the OTA feature with ESP devices. Use Add IP Manually if your device isn't listed (discovered by MDNS) and you know the IP or address of your device. The Not Used option avoids to select a serial port to upload your firmware, one useful example are the Teensy boards

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)

Change OTA Password

Change the password used to upload the firmware Over The Air (OTA) with ESP devices.

Write 0 to remove the current password.

Start/Stop Monitor

Starts or stops the serial monitor asociated to the current serial port selected.

You can also access to this option from the context menu (right click in your code panel)


Sends a string/commands through the current selected serial port.

This option is only available when the Monitor Serial is running.

Send Persistent

Allows you to send multiples strings/commands through serial port without pressing a shortcut or using the Send option in the Deviot menu.

Active by default

Clean Monitor View

Cleans the window of the active monitor serial.

This option is only available when the Monitor Serial is running.

Output in Deviot Console

Shows the output of the serial monitor in the Deviot console


Makes the serial monitor window scroll automatically when new data is received.

Active by default

Auto-Clean View

Automatically clean the serial monitor window after aproximatically 20.000 lines.

Active by default


Baud rate to comunicate with the current active serial monitor view.

9600 by default

Line Endings

Adds an end string on each command send through the serial port.

Available options:

New Line: \n Carriage Return: \r Both NL & CR: \r\n

None by default

Display Mode

Display the serial monitor output in different formats.

Available options:

Text: human-readable text ASCII: ASCII code to text HEX: Hexadecimal output MIX: HEX + ASCII

Upgrade PlatformIO

Searchs PlatformIO updates. If there is an update available it will be installed automatically.

Use Development Pio Version

Uses the develop branch for PlatformIO

Disabled by default

Use PlatformIO Structure

Force to use the PlatformIO project structure for your current project.

After activate this option you will start to see your projects like this:

├── lib
├── platformio.ini
└── src
    └── mysketchname.ino

Read More about PlatformIO Structure

Rebuild Boards File

If you are missing a new board in the list of boards, you can use this option to update the list.

You will note a processing message in the status bar while this is processing.

Full Verbose Output When Building

Shows detailed information when you build/upload a sketch

Information In The Status Bar

Shows or hides the Deviot information in the status bar.

Open Build Folder

Opens the build folder used in a non platformio structurized project.

By default this folder is located in the temporal folder assigned by your O.S

Change Build Folder

Change the path where the build files are stored when the platformio structure isn't activated.

Use CPP on New Sketch

Use .cpp file extension with a C++ template when you creates a new sketch.

You can override this option using .cpp or .ino when you name your sketch. Read More

Disabled by default

Rebuild Syntax and Completions Files

Uses this option if the syntax or completions files are corrupted or outdated.

You will note a processing message in the status bar while this is processing.

Remove Preferences File

Remove the following files:

Main.sublime-menu Deviot Menu Context.sublime-menu Context Deviot Menu Default.sublime-commands Used by the Quick Panel deviot.sublime-settings User settings penv folder with dependencies files.

After run this options you'll need to restart Sublime Text and Deviot will install and generate all the necessary files and dependencies again.


Selects the Deviot language.

See the available languages or the information to add a new one, here