Flow - a Seneca plugin
- Lead Maintainer: Georgi Griffiths
- Node: 4.x, 6.x
Why write code when you can write messages
The plugin enables actions to contain actions with can be used to format properties for the action.
- Control flow
- Output transforms using lodash
- Templating
All messages can have the following properties:
- if$: string with condition to be evaluated in order to run the actions
- until$: string with condition to be evaluated in order to continue
- wait$: milliseconds to wait before retry action to check until$
- pause$: milliseconds to pause after action has completed
- $$'anyproperty': object each property is a action which is preloaded to use in templates
$'anyproperty': object will execute message and set action property without $ . Nested properties must prefix $ for each parent. - out$: object/array of actions which run using Waterfall. Fixed value which can use template functions.
- key$: string for the key to store the message data. Used in sequences
- exit$: string condition for exit. Used in sequences
Each of the actions property values can contain the following:
- $: using only the $ will assign the input data of the same property
- input { x:10 } action { x:'$' } set action { x:10 }
- $*: assigns all input data
- input { x:10 } action { x:'$*' } set action { x : { x:10 } }
- <%= %>: lodash templating
- input { x:10, y:20, msg:'hello' } action { alert:'<%=
$.msg %> x = <%= $ .x %> y = <%= $.y %>' } set action { alert : 'hello x = 10 y = 20' }
- input { x:10, y:20, msg:'hello' } action { alert:'<%=
- If none of the above but contains $ the expression will be evaluated
- input { x:10 } action { y:'$.x', z:'$.x * $.x' } set action { y : 10, z : 100 }
Input data is created and assigned to $ from $$'anyproperty' and data from the previous action in sequences.
- sequence: (required) array of actions
- exit$: (optional) string condition for exit on each action. Run after each action and can use :
- '$' which will be populated with results set via key$ and 'in' will be set to the previous action result
- 'out' which will contain the result of the action
- exit$: (optional) string condition for exit on each action. Run after each action and can use :
- merge: (optional) boolean Merge result data when set via key$ otherwise overwrite
- data: (optional) object to be passed to each action for templating
- extend: (optional) object to extend each action
- in: (optional) set in data for start of sequence
- iterate: (required) object action to use to iterate
- with: (with or times required) array of objects to to iterator as "in" property
- times: (with or times required) integer number of times to iterate
- exit: (optional) string condition for exit. Run after each action and can use :
- '$.in' will be set to the current 'with' data.
- 'index' current index
- 'out' which will contain the result of the action
- series: (optional) boolean force run in series
- data: (optional) object to be passed to each iteration for templating
- extend: (optional) object to extend each action
- parallel: (required) array actions to execute
- merge: (optional) boolean merge results of actions
- waterfall: (required) array actions to execute. Actions must accept 'in' property
- in: (optional) data to pass to first item
- map: (required) object action to run for each
- in: (required) array
This is a waterfall compatible function to transform action results via the out$ property
- _: (required) string lodash function to call
- in: (required) data to pass to first argument
- args: (optional) arguments for function
- select: (optional) property to operate on
npm install seneca-flow
npm test
- 0.0.1:
- initial
- 1.0.1:
- use seneca-parambulator
- rename each to map
- add coveralls
- update code style for linting
- 1.0.2
- update dependencies
Copyright (c) 2016 Georgi Griffiths; Licensed under MIT.