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wernerht edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 3 revisions

On the Presets tab you're able to build presets based on weight (significance), preconditions to be matched and actions to be executed. If you already created a preset, you'll find listing of them all.

For existing presets you have the following choices:

  • Devices (look up all known devices affected by this preset)
  • Edit (edit the existing preset)
  • Destroy (delete the preset)

Edit/Create Preset

All preconditions, events and schedules must be met for the preset to execute.


Channel name for this preset to execute under. If no name is give, the channel name defaults to "default." Channel names are used to group presets such that if an exception happen on one channel, only those presets on that channel are temporarily disabled.


Presets with higher weight take precedents over those with a lower weight.


If specified, the preset will only be active during the time window specified.

The format is "<`duration in seconds'> <'cron expression'>". The cron expression specifies when the preset is active, and the duration is the time window in seconds.

Cron expression is in the format of: seconds_active minute hour day_date month day_of_week.

For example, a schedule expression of 3600 0 3 * * 1-5 would execute every morning from 3 AM to 4 AM for the week days Monday to Friday. Time specified is in UTC.


TR069 events that will trigger the preset. If no events are entered, then every time the CPE communicates with the ACS the preset will be evaluated. If event names are specified, all must be present. To exclude an event, prepend - to the event name.

Common events

Name Description
0 BOOTSTRAP Initial boot. Also occurs after a factory reset. 1 BOOT event is usually present as well.
1 BOOT CPE was powered up or reset.
2 PERIODIC Periodic inform from CPE. Interval specified in InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformInterval
4 VALUE CHANGE Event code is present if one of the active or passive notification parameters has changed since the previous inform
6 CONNECTION REQUEST Session was established due to connection request by ACS
7 TRANSFER COMPLETE Present when CPE has successfully uploaded or downloaded a file. Example of download would be firmware/config upgrade
8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE Used when reestablishing connection to ACS after completing diagnostic test initiated by ACS
9 REQUEST DOWNLOAD Indicates that the session was for the CPE to call the RequestDownload method
M Reboot CPE rebooted upon request of ACS
M Download A content download previously requested by the ACS using the Download method. 7 TRANSFER COMPLETE should be present as well.


Example Description
1 BOOT, -0 BOOTSTRAP Matches when CPE boots up, but not on initial boot (BOOTSTRAP)
8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE Matches when the CPE completes a diagnostic event. Other events may be present in the inform from the CPE, usually 4 VALUE CHANGE
M Reboot Matches when the CPE reboots


Required precondition(s) for the preset to execute. Available options are taken directly from the /genieacs-gui/config/index_parameters.yml/ file. See GenieACS GUI Config for more information.


Configuration options

Available options for setting parameter values, adding/removing tags, executing provision scripts, etc.

Command Description
Provision Execute a provision script
Set Set a parameter in the data model to the given value.
Refresh Refreshes the given parameter every x seconds
Add Tag Adds a tag to the CPE
Remove Tag Removes a tag from the CPE
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