author is leilei
Restart this project from 2017-10-01
Now the 1.alpha.0 version has been basically completed, to be tested.
Add distributed and optimize code.
python: 3.6+
ubuntu16.04 or 18.04
pytorch 1.6 (cuda10.2 docker)
tensorboard 2.0
scikit-learn 0.24.1
- If a black border is introduced, it will be regarded as one type, and the default is 0 !
- label value is [1, N], 0 is black border class !
- Not supporting distributed(NCCL), just support DataParallel.
- Just see
- Just see
- Support acc, mean_precision, mean_recall, mean_iou
random zoom-in/out, random noise,
random blur, random color-jitter(brightness-contrast-saturation-hue)
random affine, random rotate, random flip