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How to use web3 Functions to update On-Chain prices with Stork

Gelato Web3 Functions together with Stork offer the ability to create fine-tuned customized oracles getting and pushing prices on-chain following predefined logic within the Web3 Function and verifying prices on-chain through the Stork network.

In this repository, you will find the following demo here:

W3F to Stork: this demo directly interacts with the Stork network.


The gelato fees are payed with 1Balance. 1Balance allows to deposit USDC on polygon and run the transactions on every network.

Stork: Logic

  • PullserviceClient.ts: The provided code defines and utilizes the PullServiceClient class within a Web3 function to interact with an oracle service. The Web3 function requests data for specific asset price indexes from the oracle (in our example BTCUSD). The PullServiceClient sends a request to the oracle's rpc and retrieves the data.

Here is an example of response:

    "data": {
        "BTCUSD": {
            "timestamp": 1725003294628238268,
            "asset_id": "BTCUSD",
            "signature_type": "evm",
            "trigger": "clock",
            "price": "59518067955999998000000",
            "stork_signed_price": {
                "public_key": "0x0a803F9b1CCe32e2773e0d2e98b37E0775cA5d44",
                "encoded_asset_id": "0x7404e3d104ea7841c3d9e6fd20adfe99b4ad586bc08d8f3bd3afef894cf184de",
                "price": "59518067955999998000000",
                "timestamped_signature": {
                    "signature": {
                        "r": "0xada5b62117378477fc177c66b271ee6223eb5c868961b017c97e5635195f04d0",
                        "s": "0x470ffea7918d2f9da46ae98165bd5a926d4ad9101172522e3d7fd8b6d060d1d0",
                        "v": "0x1c"
                    "timestamp": 1725003294635520242,
                    "msg_hash": "0xf0ca177c265464931f9cb9e7aeddfbcfc26f1409abccfb53f7b7a94a73e77565"
                "publisher_merkle_root": "0x912b1298e1130ec7d05d26c71e1681bfb7a84575a7f5f6fa1a3516d365f02590",
                "calculation_alg": {
                    "type": "median",
                    "version": "v1",
                    "checksum": "9be7e9f9ed459417d96112a7467bd0b27575a2c7847195c68f805b70ce1795ba"
            "signed_prices": [
                    "publisher_key": "0xf024a9aa110798e5cd0d698fba6523113eaa7fb2",
                    "external_asset_id": "BTCUSD",
                    "signature_type": "evm",
                    "price": "59513167739550011000000",
                    "timestamped_signature": {
                        "signature": {
                            "r": "0x556df19d1b80387a2b2c2777ffc38ba82576781db282ad789b3f7c46f67c73f0",
                            "s": "0x05afac02fdb70cefc9080425502b2fe18e8226e5ef84d7074c95a7016e011c0e",
                            "v": "0x1b"
                        "timestamp": 1725003294628238268,
                        "msg_hash": "0x8fbaccb6976de2b0e2e4e05c2c7030b209e4fa936ef887ba0860df581c6ea724"
                    "publisher_key": "0x51aa9e9c781f85a2c0636a835eb80114c4553098",
                    "external_asset_id": "BTCUSD",
                    "signature_type": "evm",
                    "price": "59518328169999997000000",
                    "timestamped_signature": {
                        "signature": {
                            "r": "0x1f81814281b298ba8d29223f9b92449d05e9c4cbdda7cbf0346264e2afea69f4",
                            "s": "0x67686704c8751098ba651746b9d75b131b9ff0c4be3d4779c6e8de00cf654cf6",
                            "v": "0x1b"
                        "timestamp": 1725003294266000000,
                        "msg_hash": "0x4506bc8b82546b06fa0960af1e9327e1185d803fa28f5eee077a77c06b1c6b10"
                    "publisher_key": "0xa3c28d4e939ce2927d3b29b7bf53d3aeaab09350",
                    "external_asset_id": "BTCUSD",
                    "signature_type": "evm",
                    "price": "59520132346000000000000",
                    "timestamped_signature": {
                        "signature": {
                            "r": "0x37d328b34f3869ae6e102203e2eb2aa8c179e02d98ff20327243036de93348fe",
                            "s": "0x5a94255ca00223d2e1b3f67b5e8b071928beab7fdfdf37b4e1bd152bed23f83f",
                            "v": "0x1c"
                        "timestamp": 1725003294266000000,
                        "msg_hash": "0x8f1cb82af52a2c92e021fb1921a090544b449e9af7f1f3ec6358d443f6a42395"
                    "publisher_key": "0xb91c675e0c0ecfd4c16f97b110376c3c224061d8",
                    "external_asset_id": "BTCUSD",
                    "signature_type": "evm",
                    "price": "59517807742000000000000",
                    "timestamped_signature": {
                        "signature": {
                            "r": "0x8201b99bce259723a4b0a0244cd9767bb709cbc8a76cd3a4c1855ebdd1c7d5ed",
                            "s": "0x709f7a8f4116a34d4c4989ab958ba13701764f488f425d914056d8b48b7388e7",
                            "v": "0x1c"
                        "timestamp": 1725003294399000000,
                        "msg_hash": "0xe70dbe3dc90e31d7295a5dba7a0c3e60ec52886632c2e59bde9b221d9b8345b4"

This data is then used to call a smart contract function getUpdateFeeV1 from callContract function on the blockchain to get the fees to paid for calling then updateTemporalNumericValuesV1.

Oracle contract address has been hard-coded in the script as:

const contractAddress = '0xacc0a0cf13571d30b4b8637996f5d6d774d4fd62'

However, you can also specify the contract address in the userArgs.json file for flexibility. This contract is a proxy linked directly to the oracle's contract, allowing you to call the necessary functions to verify the oracle proof data.

const response = await client.getLatestPrice(request);
console.log("Proof received:", response);
const data = await callContract([request],
return { canExec: true, callData:[{
}] };
  • async function callContract(response:any, provider:any,contractAddress:string) The callContract function is responsible for interacting with a smart contract to update the data received from the oracle service.
  • updateTemporalNumericValuesV1
    function updateTemporalNumericValuesV1(
        StorkStructs.TemporalNumericValueInput[] calldata updateData
    ) public payable;

In the following demo, we will use the updateTemporalNumericValuesV1 method. This method is crucial for updating the price on-chain. The arguments are extracted from the RPC call response:

const timestamp = response.timestamp;
const price = response.price;
const quantizedValue = response.stork_signed_price.encoded_asset_id;
const publisherMerkleRoot = response.stork_signed_price.publisher_merkle_root;
const valueComputeAlgHash = `0x${response.stork_signed_price.calculation_alg.checksum}`;
const signature = response.stork_signed_price.timestamped_signature.signature;

const temporalNumericValue = {
    timestampNs: timestamp.toString(), // uint64
    quantizedValue: price.toString(), // int192

const tuple = {
    temporalNumericValue: temporalNumericValue,
    id: quantizedValue, // bytes32
    publisherMerkleRoot: publisherMerkleRoot, // bytes32
    valueComputeAlgHash: valueComputeAlgHash, // bytes32
    r: signature.r, // bytes32
    s: signature.s, // bytes32
    v: signature.v, // uint8

Demo W3F: Stork Contract




Contracts are not audited by a third-party. Please use at your own discretion.

  1. Install project dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Create a .env file with your private config:
cp .env.example .env

You will need to input your PROVIDER_URL, your RPC. Inside the web3-functions/stork/.env file, provide the following inputs:


AUTH_TOKEN should contain the Basic token required to access the Stork service, and URL should be set to the Stork service endpoint.

  1. Test the web3 function
npx hardhat w3f-run stork --logs


  1. Deploy the web3 function on IPFS
npx hardhat w3f-deploy stork
  1. Create the task following the link provided when deploying the web3 to IPFS in our case:
 ✓ Web3Function deployed to ipfs.
 ✓ CID: QmNquxsJCABNf1AvQSKGJLdcqis4kpfxYxVx6Bocneb2hP

To create a task that runs your Web3 Function every minute, visit:

W3F command options

  • --logs Show internal Web3Function logs
  • --runtime=thread|docker Use thread if you don't have dockerset up locally (default: thread)
  • --debug Show Runtime debug messages
  • --chain-id=number Specify the chainId (default is Sepolia: 11155111)

Example: npx hardhat w3f-run stork --logs --debug


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