Tell others what is the current open source project?
this is an example about how to open source a project.
provide an example about how to use your open source project.
First of all,we need create these files as below:
- .gitignore
Open source project root directory configuration ignore file
- .mailmap
provide author email so that others can contact you about this project
- .gitattributes
Ensure line endings for binary files are not modified in Git
how to check out, build, and import the open source code into your IDE.
we had better have a software licence for the current open source project.
such as ,current open source project is using Apache Licence 2.0.
if you want to know more about software licence or choose other software licence ,please check the article [how to choose free software licenses](
introduce your open source project in English.
introduce your open source project in Chinese.
provide some information about how to build the open source project.
provide some information about how to deploy the app.
provide some information about how to run the app.
provide some information about who is developing the app.