Supplementary material for the publication entitled "Protein-Protein interactions efficiently modeled by residue cluster classes" by Albros Hermes Poot Velez, Fernando Fontove and Gabriel Del Rio
This repository contains 17 directories.
The first 3 directories (i-iii) contain the testing sets with no pairs of RCCs duplicated (NoRedundancy) used to generate Figure 9, one for each data adjustment type used:
i) NoRedundancy_testing_sets_norm: 72 testing sets normilized, in arff format.
ii) NoRedundancy_testing_sets_raw: 72 testing sets raw, in arff format.
ii) NoRedundancy_testing_sets_stand:72 testing sets standardized, in arff format.
The following 6 folders (iv-ix) contain the algorithms resulting of the training sets, used to generate Figure 9, compressed with XZ Utils, separated by data adjustment type and distance used to create the RCC contact map:
iv) NoRedundancy_training_models_compressed_norm_7: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset normalized and a distance criterion of 7 Å
v) NoRedundancy_training_models_compressed_norm_8: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset normalized and a distance criterion of 8 Å
vi) NoRedundancy_training_models_compressed_raw_7: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset raw and a distance criterion of 7 Å.
vii) NoRedundancy_training_models_compressed_raw_8: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset raw and a distance criterion of 8 Å.
viii) NoRedundancy_training_models_compressed_stand_7: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset standardized and a distance criterion of 7 Å.
ix) NoRedundancy_training_models_compressed_stand_8: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset standardized and a distance criterion of 8 Å.
The 10th folder has the supplementary graphics of the Figure 6:
x) positive_negative_ppi: 16 figures with the comparison of positives and negative PPI through RCC.
The names of the files indicate the construction method used as follows: distance criterion of 7 or 8 Å,
with (yesSC) o without (noSC) side chain, sum (sum = 26 features) or concatenation (con = 52 features) of RCCs.
The statistical significance were measured with Wilcoxon test corrected by Bonferroni (bonfer) or
FDR Benjamini-Hochberg (fdrbh) (p<0.05). The X-axis shows the RCC feature (RCC1, RCC2...RCC26 or RCC52),
and the Y-axis the class of RCC and corresponding values that are compared.
The 11th folder contains the testing sets used to create Figure 8, with all 3 types of data adjustment type:
xi) testing_sets: 24 testing sets with redundancy used for this work, in arff format.
The last 6 folders (xii-xvii) contain the algorithms resulting of the training sets used to generate Figure 8, compressed with XZ Utils, separated by data adjustment type and distance used to create the RCC contact map:
xii) training_models_compressed_norm_7: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset normalized and a distance criterion of 7 Å.
xiii) training_models_compressed_norm_8: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset normalized and a distance criterion of 8 Å.
xiv) training_models_compressed_raw_7: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset raw and a distance criterion of 7 Å.
xv) training_models_compressed_raw_8: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset raw and a distance criterion of 8 Å.
xvi) training_models_compressed_stand_7: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset standardized and a distance criterion of 7 Å.
xvii) training_models_compressed_stand_8: 60 algorithms resulting of AutoWEKA Bayesian search on the training set with the dataset standardized and a distance criterion of 8 Å.
All these models were generated with Weka, a freely available implementation in Java language for machine learning methods.
After decompressing the 'training_models', to test these algorithms we provide the corresponding 'testing_set'. For this mean, the first 3 fields on each file (separated by underscore), are the same between testing (i-iii or xi) and training files (iv-ix or xii-xvii).
The following is an example of the the code to test the algorithms:
java -Xmx{MEML}m -cp {AUTOWEKA} {CLASS} -T {TES} -l {MOD} > {OUT}
In which the terms between braces are replaced as follow (without the braces):
MEML = The limit memory to use for executing the java virtual machine
AUTOWEKA = /The/path/to/Auto-WEKA/autoweka.jar file
CLASS = The WEKA class: 'weka.classifiers.meta.AutoWEKAClassifier'
TES = The testing_set_file.arff
MOD = The corresponding training_model_file.mod
OUT = Optional. The file in which the output will be redirected, otherwise it will be sent to the standard output
The names of the files describes the conditions used to build the corresponding RCCs. Below is a summary scheme of the names in the RCC column:
The fields are separated by an underscore. The first field {stand/norm/raw} specifies if the RCC were standardize, normalized or taken without further modification; The digits of the second field {7/8} indicates the distance in Angstroms used to build the contact map; {no/yes}SC inform if side-chain atoms were used or not in the construction of the contact map. The third field {con/sum} describe if concatenation or addition of each RCC for a protein-protein pair was implemented. The fourth field {tra(ining)/tes(ting)} refers to the data set being part of the training or the testing process. From the fifth to the last field is the information of the undersampling procedure used, the sz{1/2/3} refers to the proportion of the undersampling of the majority class (positive) with reference to the length of the minority class (negative), as follows: sz1 = undersampling 1:1, sz2 = undersampling 2:1 and sz3 = undersampling 3:1 of positives (P) vs negatives (N) respectively; the penultimate field it{1/2/3} refers to the random iteration seed used for the undersampling. Last, the ultimate field (_over{200/300}) may or not be present, it is the indicative of the oversampling sets, which all part from an undersampling 1:1 set. In this way, the negative class was synthetically oversampled to generate twice 1:2 (over200), or three times more negative instances than positives 1:3 (over300) (P:N)*.
RCC = Residue Cluster Class
PPI = Protein-Protein interaction
P = positive PPI pairs of proteins
N = negative PPI pairs of proteins
norm = normalization used in the construction of the training or testing data sets
stand = standardization used in the construction of the training or testing data sets
raw = data used as is in the training or testing set
7 = distance of 7 Å used to generate the contact map
8 = distance of 8 Å used to generate the contact map
noSC = without side chain
yesSC = with side chain
con = concatenation of RCCs
sum = sum of RCCs
tra = training
tes = testing
under = undersampling
sz1 = undersampling 1:1 (P:N)
sz2 = undersampling 2:1 (P:N)
sz3 = undersampling 3:1 (P:N)
it1, it2 or it3 = the random iteration seed used for the undersampling
over200 = the synthetic oversampling used to generate twice negative instances than positive one 1:2 (P:N)*
over300 = the synthetic oversampling used to generate three times more negative instances than positive ones 1:3 (P:N)*
*In these two cases, a copy of the original negative set was included, thus only 1 and 2 copies of instances of this original negative set were synthetically generated, respectively.