Provide tools to get/subscribe on new/updated tasks from Travaux OVH.
You can :
- access to list, details, categories/projects
- subscribe to specific tasks activites, or projects activities
npm install ovhtask-js
- (Easy install :
Every services return promises.
Main ORM is If RethinkDB is not on your localhost, update the db config into db.js
var scrapper = (require('ovhtask-js')).scrapper.get();
//// Category list
//// Task list from all or one project
//// Details from a task
//// Task list with detail on one or many projects (From RSS Feed - I don't like this)
- Rethink DB needs to be installed, and running.
- For testing purposes, you need to import datas into your RethinkDB. Sample available in samples/.
- Default is RethinkDB provider. You can do your own import provider. Only follow the signature methods.
Samples (you will access to a cli menu ) :
node (node_modules/ovhtask-js/)samples/import.js
Snippet as easy as possible :
var importer = (require('ovhtask-js')).import.get();
importer.importAll() //// Will import all the task
importer.import(0, 100) //// Will import only 100 tasks from project 0 (main thread)
- For testing purposes, you need to import datas into your RethinkDB. Sample available in samples/.
Samples (you will access to a cli menu ) :
node (node_modules/ovhtask-js/)samples/feeds.js
Snippet as easy as possible :
var feed = (require('ovhtask-js')).feed.get();
feed.on('new', (data) => { console.log("New data")} )
feed.on('update', (old, data) => { console.log("Updated")} )
feed.on('delete', (data) => { console.log("Deleted")} )
Feel free to contribute to this repo.