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High Level Analysis

Jackie-J-J edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 31 revisions

High-Level Context Diagram

Context_Diagram drawio

User Personas

Solo Traveler

In our website, a solo traveler is a person that is commuting alone, often through unfamiliar or high-risk areas. They are highly focused on ensuring their safety during commutes, especially at night, and seek reliable ways to feel more secure. The Solo Traveler would set up their RoutePals profile, customizing it with their personal safety preferences, such as preferred routes, notification settings, and their interest in group travel or one-on-one travel companions. When planning a trip, the Solo Traveler would enter the origin and destination details in the website and they have the ability to request to connect with other travelers going the same way, creating an opportunity to share their journey and increase safety. The Solo Traveler can view safety tips, real-time route suggestions, and crime reports about potential dangers in their area. During a trip, if the Solo Traveler needs to adjust their route (perhaps due to a detour or a change in destination), they can update their travel plans. A Solo Traveler can join various groups on the platform, which can be used to communicate with other users and plan group events.

Safety Companion

Safety Companions can register and manage their profiles on our web-based application, with options to edit personal details or reset their passwords. For convenience, they may also choose to log in using Single Sign-On (SSO). By opting to share their location, Safety Companions make themselves visible to nearby solo travelers, who can then send invitations to join them on their trips. Safety Companions have the ability to review and respond to these invitations, as well as engage in chat with solo travelers to coordinate details. Once a trip commences, Family Tracker and Emergency Support personas can track the location of Safety Companions in real-time, enhancing safety throughout the journey. Safety Companions also have access to route suggestions and navigation tools. For those logging in with SSO, additional services such as campus safe rides are available. In case of emergencies or dangerous situations, Safety Companions can activate a panic button to immediately alert emergency services and ensure a rapid response.

Family Tracker

Family trackers are designated contacts assigned by a specific traveler that can access the status of that traveler. Family trackers do not need to sign up for an account and are unable to do so because they are generally not NYU students and therefore do not have NYU SSO. A traveler can designate a contact as their Family Tracker by providing their phone number and/or email address. While a traveler is on a trip, they can choose to share their live location with their designated Family Tracker, and that Family Tracker will receive a text and/or email with a link to open the app to view the traveler's live location and trip status. When a traveler has reached their destination or a safe zone specified by that traveler, their Family Tracker can automatically receive a text and/or email alert if the traveler has chosen to enable this feature. If a traveler presses the Panic Button, their designated Family Tracker will be notified via text and/or email with details about the traveler's trip status and current location.

Event Organizer

Event organizers are individuals responsible for planning and managing group travel events or activities. They are typically associated with university-related events, like school trips, excursions, or conferences, and often use the app to ensure the safety and coordination of participants. An event organizer can create and manage events within the app, invite participants, and ensure all attendees are kept informed of any necessary safety measures. They can also monitor the event's progress, track participants' location if shared, and send notifications or alerts to ensure smooth communication.

Emergency Support User

Emergency support users are individuals responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of users in distress. They are typically associated with campus safety departments, emergency services (like 911), or trusted contacts who receive alerts from users in need of assistance. These users can create accounts using their organization email and proof of employment, set up profiles to receive alerts from specific users or regions, and monitor the location and route plans of users when an alert is received. They can also update their profiles, deactivate alerts, and delete accounts as necessary. Emergency Support Users play a crucial role in facilitating timely and effective responses to emergencies, ensuring that help is provided swiftly and efficiently. If a traveler presses the Panic Button, an appropriate emergency support user will be notified with details about the traveler's current location.


The administrator is responsible for verifying the identity of travelers by reviewing supporting documentation, such as passports or government-issued IDs, submitted by the users. This ensures the safety and authenticity of the user base. Additionally, the administrator must verify the authenticity of emergency support user accounts, such as 911 responders, by reviewing their credentials and documentation. This step is crucial to ensure the reliability and trustworthiness of external emergency support. The administrator also manages user accounts by creating and removing accounts as needed. They are updated with accounts that users have reported and take appropriate action on these reported accounts to maintain a safe and secure environment.


Account Registration and Management - Solo Traveler, Safety Companion, Event Organizer

Safety Companions can register and control their profiles through our web-based platform, where they can update personal details or change their passwords.

  • As a Safety Companion, I want to register on RoutePals, so I can offer my companionship services, ensuring solo travelers can invite me for shared trips.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want to edit my profile details and preferences to keep my availability and services up to date.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want to reset my password, so that I can regain access to my account if I forget my password or need to enhance my account’s security.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want to log in using Single Sign-On (SSO), so that I can quickly access my account without remembering another set of credentials.

Solo Travelers can create an account and can set up and update their profiles and they can also link social media accounts to their RoutePals profile. Additionally, they can customize safety preferences to receive personalized safety recommendations during trips.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to be able to create an account using a username, email, and password.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to set up and update my profile with my name, and travel preferences so that other users can view and verify my identity when connecting for shared travel.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to link my social media accounts to my RoutePals profile so that I can enhance trust and credibility when connecting with travel companions.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to set my safety preferences, such as preferred travel times, safe zones, and proximity alerts, so that I can receive tailored safety recommendations during my trips.

  • As an event organizer, I want to create and manage my account, so I can set up events and add participants for smooth coordination.

Manage Routes - Solo Traveler, Safety Companion

Safety Companions can manage their route activities on our platform by sharing their location, which helps nearby solo travelers connect with them. They can view route suggestions and receive navigation assistance, including safety tips and crime reports when passing through high crime areas. Safety Companions also have the option to unassign themselves from trips to manage their availability effectively.

  • As a Safety Companion, I want to share my location, so that nearby solo travelers can find me and request my companionship.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want to view route suggestions and navigation to ensure I take the safest and most efficient paths.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want to receive safety tips and crime reports when passing through high crime areas, so I can be better prepared and inform solo travelers accordingly.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want the ability to unassign myself as a companion from a trip, so I can manage my availability and commitments effectively.

Solo Travelers, if they join through a university, can request a campus safe ride for secure on-campus travel, particularly during late-night hours. They can also delete their travel plans when no longer needed and share their live location with Safety Companions, allowing them to monitor their whereabouts and ensure safety during the trip.

  • As a university-affiliated Solo Traveler, I want to request a campus safe ride through the app so that I can travel safely on campus, especially during late-night hours.
  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to be able to delete travel plans.
  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to share my live location with my travel companions such as my Safety Companions so that they can track my whereabouts and ensure my safety during my trip.

Location Tracking - Family Tracker, Event Organizer, Emergency Support User

Family Trackers can track a Solo Traveler's trip status and live location while on a trip if that Solo Traveler has chosen to share them.

  • As a family tracker, I want to be assigned as a designated contact for a solo traveler to their status with me

  • As a family tracker, I want to be able to view the solo traveler's trip status and live location in real time while the solo traveler is on their trip.

  • As an event organizer, I want to track the real-time location of event participants, so I can ensure their safety and coordinate activities effectively.

Emergency support users can track a traveler's live location when the panic button is pressed.

  • As an emergency support user, I want to track the real-time location of the traveler so that I can verify and relay appropriate information to the authorities, ensuring their safety and effectively coordinating emergency services.

Companion Matching and Communication - Solo Traveler, Safety Companion, Event Organizer

Safety Companions can review and respond to companion invitations from nearby Solo Travelers and engage in pre-trip chats through our platform. This feature allows Safety Companions to discuss and coordinate travel details, ensuring both parties are well-informed and agreeable to the arrangements before setting up a trip together. This enhances communication, safety, and satisfaction for both Safety Companions and Solo Travelers.

  • As a Safety Companion, I want to review and respond to companion invitations from nearby Solo Travelers, so I can decide whom to accompany based on my availability and preferences.
  • As a Safety Companion, I want to chat with Solo Travelers before accepting their invitation, so we can discuss and coordinate trip details to decide if we can set up a trip together.

Solo Travelers are provided with the capability to plan various trips and send invitiations or request Safety Companions for their trip. When a trip is created and Safety Companion(s) are selected, the Solo Traveler is provided with a chat room to discuss trip details with their Safety Companion.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to review and respond to companion invitations from nearby users so that I can decide who to travel with for a safer commute.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to create a trip by entering my origin and destination so that I can plan my journey and find potential travel companions.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to select a safety companion from nearby users or groups so that I can feel more secure during my trip.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to create or join a travel event or group so that I can connect with multiple users traveling to the same destination or along similar routes.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want to chat with my selected safety companion within the website so that we can coordinate our meeting and discuss travel plans.

  • As an event organizer, I want to connect participants with travel companions and facilitate in-app communication, so they can travel safely and stay informed throughout the event.

Panic Button - Solo Traveler, Safety Companion

Safety Companions can use a panic button integrated into our platform to immediately alert their designated Emergency Support and Family Tracker in case of an emergency. This ensures that both support networks are promptly informed and can respond quickly to the situation, enhancing the safety and security of Safety Companions.

  • As a Safety Companion, I want to use a panic button to immediately alert my designated Emergency Support and Family Tracker in the event of an emergency, ensuring a rapid response and that both support networks are informed and able to act swiftly.

Solo Travelers are equipped with a panic button that, when pressed, immediately alerts designated contacts and emergency services, providing their real-time location and safety status.

  • As a Solo Traveler, I want the ability to press a button to instantly alert my safety companions, group members, or emergency services, allowing me to quickly notify them of my safety status or any urgent issues I may encounter.

Alerts - Family Tracker, Event Organizer, Emergency Support User

Family Trackers and Emergency Support Users are sent alerts from their connected Solo Traveler's account via text and/or email when certain events occur.

  • As a family tracker, I want to be notified when my connected Solo Traveler has reached their destination or a designated Safe Zone, if the Solo Traveler has chosen to do so
  • As a family tracker, I want to be alerted when my connected Solo Traveler presses their Panic Button and be provided with details about their trip status and current location.

Emergency support receives alerts when a traveler presses the panic button.

  • As an emergency support user, I want to be notified when a traveler presses the panic button so that I can receive the traveler’s personal details and provide them with emergency support.

User Authentication - Administrator

As part of their profile, travelers have the option to verify their identity by providing supporting documentation, which is then reviewed by the administrator.

  • As an administrator, I want to verify the user’s real identity by reviewing supporting documentation so that I can maintain the safety of the users.
  • As an administrator, I want to create and verify the authenticity of emergency support user accounts, such as 911 responders, so that I can ensure the reliability of external emergency support.

User Management - Administrator

  • As an administrator, I want to be updated with accounts that the users have reported.
  • As an administrator, I want to manage user accounts by removing and creating accounts as needed so that I can ensure proper account management.
  • As an administrator, I want to be able to take appropriate action on the reported accounts.