TEK1 / First year project at Epitech
An image generator using Raytracing and Pathtracing.
You can lauch a render, with this syntax :
./rt raytrace|pathtrace scene_filename [pathtracing quality]
Scenes are located in the scenes directory, use scenes located in the pathtracer and raytracer directories with the matches rendering methods
Pathtracing quality is the number of launched rays per pixel, lower value = lower quality but faster rendering
Builds on GNU/Linux
Should be buildable on OSX after some changes regarding X11
Dependencies :
- build-essential
- libx11-dev
- libxt-dev
- libxtst-dev
Building the project :
cd minilibx && make
cd .. && make
./rt raytrace scenes/raytracer/file2.rt
(raytracing)./rt pathtrace scenes/pathtracer/ambiant2.rt 1
(low quality pathtracing)./rt pathtrace scenes/pathtracer/ambiant2.rt 1000
(high quality pathtracing)