This repo is a collection of tutorials/documentation on getting started with BOSH on the AWS public cloud.
What is BOSH? Why is it interesting? How do I create a BOSH? [article by Dr Nic]
- Creating a BOSH from scratch
- Uploading a public stemcell
- Deploy a sample application
- Delete your BOSH VM
- BOSH: What, How, When, 1 hour, from Dr Nic Williams, talk at LinkedIn, blog posted May 15, 2012
- The Future of Deployment, 40 mins, from Dr Nic Williams, GoRuCo 2012, June 23, 2012
- Cloud Foundry Update from Mark Lucovsky on April 11, 2012
- Cloud Foundry and OpenStack from Vadim Spivak at OpenStack Design Summit [blog post] on April 18, 2012
- What is BOSH? from Dr Nic Williams, lightning talk, at CloudCamp, May 1, 2012
- BOSH: What, How, When from Dr Nic Williams, talk at LinkedIn, blog posted May 15, 2012
- Cloud Foundry BOSH Where the Platform rubber meets the Infrastructure road from Patrick Chanezon, ChefConf 2012, May 16, 20012
- The Future of Deployment from Dr Nic Williams, GoRuCo 2012, June 23, 2012